New Labour was the most short-sighted, self-serving, incompetent, useless, and ineffective government that Britain has ever known.

You'd be surprised how easy some things can be, things you never thought you'd do, when you take self-respect out of the equation.

All of the things that have happened in my life have been self-propelled. I can't blame anybody else or point a finger at anybody.

Anybody who does not evolve can become a self-parody. I have to evolve on a daily basis just to keep my own interest in what I do.

Blessed be all metrical rules that forbid automatic responses, force us to have second thoughts, free us from the fetters of Self.

Develop into a lifelong self-learner through voracious reading; cultivate curiosity and strive to become a little wiser every day.

There's something delicious about finding fault with something. And that can be including finding fault with one's self, you know?

The function of a leader within any institution: to provide that regulation through his or her non-anxious, self-defined presence.

The truth is, narratives of self-justification burble beneath more of our relationships and endeavors than we would care to admit.

Writing, more than any other art, is indexed to the worthiness of the self because it is identified in peoples minds with emotion.

LOVE of others is the appreciation of one's self. MAY your egotism be so gigantic that you comprise mankind in your self-sympathy. can't let something that'll probably never happen ruin your life. You're only helping to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy

A wife is not a man's shadow or subordinate, but his other self, his "helper," in a sense which no other creature on earth can be.

We are not the only avatars of humanity. Once our computing machines achieved self-consciousness, they became part of this design.

You find yourself in this world, you find yourself out of this world and there's no one to find the Self. There's no Self to find.

here's a payoff for everyone. The reason we hang on to self-defeating behaviors is because it's easier not to take responsibility.

You must learn to love, respect and believe in yourself. To accomplish this, begin by restructuring your current self-programming.

Being our Self is the wisest philosophy, the bravest action, the kindest consideration and the greatest act of healing imaginable.

Meet you own self. Be with your own self, listen to it, obey it, cherish it, keep it in mind ceaselessly. You need no other guide.

Incestuous, homogeneous fiefdoms of self-proclaimed expertise are always rank-closing and mutually self-defending, above all else.

A system of pitfalls thoughtfully prepared for the feet for the self-made man, along the path by which he advances to distinction.

You have to start knowing yourself so well that you begin to know other people. A piece of us is in every person we can ever meet.

Even before smart phones and the Internet, we had many ways to distract our selves. Now that's compounded by a factor of trillions.

Without seeing the origin of light, the true form of one's Self, the ordinary man sees by the mind different things and is deluded.

Be all you can be in whatever you choose to do. The sky is the limit, so go for it. And do not create any self-imposed limitations.

To disappear your complete self into a character is quite difficult. I've tried it 85 times, and I've succeeded two or three times.

Selecting a challenge and meeting it creates a sense of self-empowerment that becomes the ground for further successful challenges.

Liberty, according to my metaphysics is a self-determining power in an intellectual agent. It implies thought and choice and power.

Most Men are Cowards, all Men should be Knaves. The Difference lies, as far as I can see, Not in the thing it self, but the Degree.

Like the sea itself, the unconscious yields an endless and self-replenishing abundance of creatures, a wealth beyond our fathoming.

How can both Nics, the loving and considerate and generous one, and the self-obsessed and self-destructive one, be the same person?

Second, the only proven technique for treatment for chemically dependent people involves use of a spiritual program of self-change.

I loved her enough to forget myself, my self pitying despairs, and be content that something she thought happy was going to happen.

A token of ecological awareness in a society devoted to self destruction and waste but unwilling to acknowledge its indulgent ways.

The self-indulgent man craves for all pleasant things... and is led by his appetite to choose these at the cost of everything else.

Nothing ever comes to an end. Wherever one has sunk roots that emanate from one's best or truest self, one will always find a home.

The skeptic, being a lover of his kind, desires to cure by speech, as best he can, the self-conceit and rashness of the dogmatists.

Your own level of self-acceptance is determined largely by how well you feel you are accepted by the important people in your life.

How can love survive in such a graceless age? The trust and self assurance that lead to happiness, they're the very things we kill.

I don't like self-righteous people," I say. "What's to like?" says Haymitch, who begins sucking the dregs out of the empty bottles.

All women, everywhere, have the same hopes: we want to be self-sufficient and create better lives for ourselves and our loved ones.

Self-realization is, in fact, the only religion. For it is the true purpose of religion, no matter how people define their beliefs.

Love can never express itself by imposing sufferings on others. It can only express itself by self-suffering, by self-purification.

Satsang is the invitation to step into the fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will burn only what you are not.

Far from wife and son am 1, far from land and wealth and other notions of that kind. I am the Witness, the Eternal, the Inner Self.

First of all, merely by living a simple life with a heart dedicated to overcoming self-cherishing, we automatically benefit others.

Science is the only self-correcting human institution, but it also is a process that progresses only by showing itself to be wrong.

Black people cannot and will not become integrated into American society on any terms but those of self-determination and autonomy.

Accounting for the most part, remains a legalistic and traditional practice, almost immune to self-criticism by scientific methods.

I worry about anthropomorphism as a form of self-deception. (The Christian religion is an anthropomorphic account of the universe.)

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