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Maybe the answer to Selective Service is to start everyone off in the army and draft them for civilian life as needed.
I've been fortunate that I can be selective enough to do acting when it's really furthering what I want to do with my life.
I love young directors who experiment with subjects. But I am definitely not choosy. I don't get that many offers to be selective.
The good part is once I start directing, I can choose the songs I want to do. I'm just selective now when it comes to choreography.
Singaporeans like Mr. Alfian Sa'at do not deserve to be admonished in Parliament on the basis of a selective reading of their works.
I prefer selective memories. Some songs and some co-workers are all that I want to remember, as memories are not always so pleasant.
The persistent belief that we are living through an epidemic of racially biased police shootings is a creation of selective reporting.
In war, everything changes. You are very selective of what you do because everything you do can be the last thing you do in your life.
I don't even watch many huge films. I don't go to the cinema every weekend. I watch selective cinema and want to make my kind of films.
We as Americans and as humans have very selective hearing and very selective memory. We only hear what we want to hear and disregard the rest.
I keep getting advice on the social media that I should be selective in accepting roles. But, as an actor, I get attracted to every role I'm offered.
In the U.S., highly selective renditions of its history have served in practice to impose blinkers on some of its citizens and catered to vested interests.
For months, Obama administration officials attacked Snowden's motives and said the work of the NSA was distorted by selective leaks and misinterpretations.
I have a lot of family members that served in the American military. I did not serve; I filled out the selective service. It's one of the regrets for my life.
I have been rather selective, doing not more than two or thee films a year, so that leaves me with plenty of time to prep for my plays and theatre activities.
I think people take for granted the success of the original content at A&E Networks and in building brands. People have selective memory on how long that takes.
I ruffle a lot of feathers. And I'm also selective - that makes you a troublemaker. But so be it. I laid a cornerstone for black actors, and that makes me happy.
We only have a limited amount of time left before many archaeological sites all over the world are destroyed. So we have to be really selective about where we dig.
If diversity is what is a central value in every selective university in the United States, then it ought to be seen as a compelling interest by the Supreme Court.
One has to be very selective about what is essential for driving the story and what isn't. You leave out some things that are lovely, but unfortunately it is necessary.
The future, for us, is not in bold and big deals. It is in selective deals, and I prefer to focus on one accretive target worth around €2 bn. than several deals worth €200 m.
We read the whole Bible, cover to cover, over and over again... It wasn't that we read selective parts of the Bible. It was that we interpreted it in this very selective way.
There is no rule of law in Zimbabwe; there's selective application of the rule of law. Patrick Chinamasa, who is the minister of justice, destroyed the independent judiciary.
I'm still reading some scripts and I model as well, so I'm still doing that. But I don't want to do like just anything so we're being really selective about the stuff I'll do.
The fundamental problem is that there's no credibility in the judicial system, which is a system that's been completely politicized. This is retaliation and selective repression.
There are so many different things out there trying to hook our attention, we writers have to be very selective and make certain that it is coming from inside out, not outside in.
You can take a school like the University of Colorado, with a selective admission standard. It has a better caliber student going in, so you ought to have a better caliber coming out.
I'm more selective now I've got a family. I don't want to work all the time. My daughter's 12; I don't want to miss out on her life. Soon she'll be a teenager; she won't want me around.
Porter is my eldest child, and I tended to be fiercely protective when he was criticized. He actually was not a big complainer about school. Simply selective in what he chose to do and say.
I'm a painfully slow reader. And to this day, I mean, I love reading, and I'm very careful - very selective about what I read because I don't read very fast and, therefore, not a great deal.
I want to know where is that committee in Switzerland that sits to decide what is in and what is out. I don't listen to the formula makers. I think maybe I have a selective hearing disorder.
Now that mobile phones and the internet have altered the epistemic selective landscape in a revolutionary way, every religious organisation must scramble to evolve defences or become extinct.
I'm kind of selective of the people that I take photos of. Like, I don't take pictures of just my friends, but I do like taking pictures of just some of my close mates, especially out in L.A.
New Yorkers should know that no one in the Administration, at the Department of Defense, or at the Selective Service System is advocating the reinstatement of the mandatory draft in any form.
That's the nice thing about being a vegetarian. You don't have to be neurotic. Selective omnivores have to be neurotic. Personally, I don't have time for all that; I don't want to get into it.
I think I'm lucky in that I can park things. I don't dwell. I've got a selective memory. I only remember the good things. I don't know what a psychologist or a psychiatrist would say about that.
I'm always open to anything. I haven't been that selective, I've just been fortunate to get projects I'm excited about. It's a little bizarre being a part of things that you really, really enjoy.
I'm in a unique position in that my career in music is not over and I have other television things and ventures I can get into. So, it's like I can be very selective when it comes to movie roles.
We may affirm, then, that the main drift of the later Renaissance was away from a humanism that favored a free expansion toward a humanism that was in the highest degree disciplinary and selective.
In the early 1800s, religion was often used as a way to keep slavery in place. Slaves were forced to attend the church of their owners, listen to selective dogma that kept them obedient and subservient.
When they come to Europe, they are confronted by still closed borders. Thus, the concept of open borders is a very selective concept, one that is not taken seriously at all in the experience of non-Europeans.
Yeah, I'm a giver. I've learned to be selective of the people in my world, because if I love someone, I will give them my blood, whatever they need. In doing so, one can end up with little left for themselves.
I have been very selective in the South because I was always offered the biggest films. In Bollywood, things are different because multi-starrers are a norm. All big heroines are happy to be part of a big movie.
In the end, arguing about affirmative action in selective colleges is like arguing about the size of a spigot while ignoring the pool and the pipeline that feed it. Slots at Duke and Princeton and Cal are finite.
I don't think the alternative to Yale is jail by any means. On the other hand, there is a mass of research that does show that there are real advantages to your subsequent career in going to selective institutions.
The blessing of having your first project be something as fantastic as 'Girls' is that it gave me room to be selective because I didn't feel pressure to do other things. The curse is that my standards were really high.
The lawyers in the Department of Justice have a long and storied tradition of defending the nation's interests and enforcing its laws - all of them, not just selective ones - in a manner worthy of the department's name.
I tried working with the best of directors and producers. I tried being selective, but things didn't work out. Now, I am open to working with anybody and everybody who is good. Or I'll try to make it good. That suits me.
All my cop/gangster dramas have been spaced out, but somewhere, the films in which I played the bad guy were extremely successful, so people are under the impression that I play only such roles. I call it selective amnesia.
I definitely eat carbs. I repeat: I do eat carbs. I'm just selective on which carbs I eat and when. I won't eat things like pasta and bread at night, but in terms of fueling a workout and recovering from one, carbs are great.