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He who closes his eyes sees nothing, even in the full light of day.
I need to rely on the director's confidence and what he sees in me.
What, when drunk, one sees in other women, one sees in Garbo sober.
I'm not going to do anything that sees a Tory government be likely.
The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me.
Success is never going to come in the way your teenage self sees it.
I lived in New York for 10 years, and every New Yorker sees a shrink.
The truth cannot be deceptive, and one who sees it cannot be deceived.
The function of the novelist... is to comment upon life as he sees it.
One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.
Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.
Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees.
Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other stars.
People love chopping wood. In this activity one immediately sees results.
If someone sees me with what looks like a beer, it's always zero per cent.
As a writer, I'm mostly at my desk, staring out my window. No one sees me.
A detective sees death in all the various forms at least five times a week.
WWE sees India as huge opportunity and wants to continue to build its base.
To anyone who sees himself as right-wing, I say you should vote right-wing.
The floor of the U.S. Senate isn't a place that usually sees a lot of drama.
Every day sees humanity more victorious in the struggle with space and time.
It is a true miracle when a man finally sees himself as his only opposition.
I am someone who goes and sees movies in theaters, but I also watch Netflix.
Genius... is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one.
Once you get into a part, and someone sees you, you get asked to do it again.
They say that love is blind, but it's trauma that's blind. Love sees what is.
My grandson sees me as Lois on TV every Christmas, and that scores me points.
Even a poor man doesn't ask alms unless he sees you have the ability to give.
I'm not a pessimist by nature. I'm not someone who sees things in a bleak way.
Lynch is an ordinary, smalltown guy and he just sees strange things in people.
Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized.
As actors, we exhaust ourselves emotionally and physically, which no one sees.
Senator Blunt genuinely sees everything through the lens of partisan politics.
A person who is gifted sees the essential point and leaves the rest as surplus.
The greatest self is a peaceful smile, that always sees the world smiling back.
A man of honour should never forget what he is because he sees what others are.
Only through art can we emerge from ourselves and know what another person sees.
If he sees nothing within, then he should stop painting what is in front of him.
Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?
There isn't any art until some creature sees and consumes it. And has a reaction.
When advice is freely given, the receiver is free to use it as he or she sees fit.
When you actually fall in love, no one sees that other person the way that you do.
A lot of people who work with Dre, you're lucky if anything sees the light of day.
The glimpses of human strength and frailty that a physician sees are with me still.
I think John Landgraf sees things in the same way I do. We see eye to eye on a lot.
He that would live in peace and at ease must not speak all he knows or all he sees.
We shoot a lot of pilots that don't get picked up, and no one ever sees them at all.
I think anybody with any intelligence sits down and sees Star Trek not a kids' show.
How easy it is to judge rightly after one sees what evil comes from judging wrongly!
I must be an anorexic because an anorexic looks in the mirror and sees a fat person.