We have what we seek, it is there all the time, and if we give it time, it will make itself known to us.

Most people seek after what they do not possess and are enslaved by the very things they want to acquire.

If you're a devoted collector of design, you seek out objects you can love to live with but also live in.

I grew up on the beach. It's just a way of life. You don't seek out that lifestyle; it's just day-to-day.

I think that is a noble goal that all of us should seek, to end wars and prevent wars as much as possible.

Books and all forms of writing have always been objects of terror to those who seek to suppress the truth.

Look: I don't want to live with a nuclear Iran. I would like to make it uncomfortable for them to seek it.

The change we seek for our nation is not the choice of an individual but must be the calling of a country.

We must listen and learn, show humility and seek again to talk for and to people's ambitions and concerns.

I sometimes wonder if the inability to find oneself makes one seek oneself in other people, in characters.

Those who seek the divine want to make this world a better place, which first requires that we communicate.

I will make the greatest efforts to seek mutually acceptable interaction between Taiwan and mainland China.

He who has religion will speak poetry. But philosophy is the tool with which to seek and discover religion.

Seek always for the answer within. Be not influenced by those around you, by their thoughts or their words.

Can I see another's woe, and not be in sorrow too? Can I see another's grief, and not seek for kind relief?

The connection between dress and war is not far to seek; your finest clothes are those you wear as soldiers.

Give me your trust and confidence, knowing that what I seek is for the good of Fiji, for the good of us all.

You will seek not a near but a distant objective, and you will not be satisfied with what you may have done.

Power has long been regarded as morally corrosive, and we often suspect the intentions of those who seek it.

An affair wants to spill, to share its glory with the world. No act is so private it does not seek applause.

Seek not, my soul, the life of the immortals; but enjoy to the full the resources that are within thy reach.

Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world seek each other so that the world may come to being.

Together, we can build the kind of world in which we all seek to live, one of universal equality and justice.

I would say the hierarchy has made terrible errors in judgment and it has to seek forgiveness by its members.

Seek ye first the good things of the mind, and the rest will either be supplied or its loss will not be felt.

Hold me in your arms, lava lamp! Let me seek magma comfort and peace in the warmth of your kryptonite embrace.

We need the next generation to be motivated and to push technological boundaries, to seek out new innovations.

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

You can't please everyone, nor should you seek to, because then you won't please anyone, least of all yourself.

There is one thing higher than Royalty: and that is religion, which causes us to leave the world, and seek God.

What? You seek something? You wish to multiply yourself tenfold, a hundredfold? You seek followers? Seek zeros!

My whole life, I had been taught to read and study, to seek understanding in knowledge of history, of cultures.

We must be careful, as we seek to become more and more godlike, that we do not become discouraged and lose hope.

I have chosen to seek election to the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors and not reelection to Congress.

If politicians did care about their constituents, they would work harder to seek out people like me. They don't.

I've been a big fan always of getting my camera in different places and trying to seek the unusual vantage point.

I am not someone who would raise my voice to seek publicity. I am a responsible citizen, and I continue to be so.

Many people, men in particular, just can't not be active. I guess our minds demand that we seek other challenges.

There are so many talented actors in my contemporaries and my seniors... I seek inspiration from each one of them.

No one expects the doormat to stand upright, shake itself off, and amble down the street to seek its own happiness.

Do not seek to find a reason why elections are not possible. Seek to make them possible, and they will be possible.

I try to avoid a specific image. I seek to play as many different women as I can to avoid having a label put on me.

Each year of life brings us nearer to our decline, but I will continue to seek a listener until I'm dead in a ditch.

If you seek truth you will not seek victory by dishonorable means, and if you find truth you will become invincible.

A novel is a journey into your own soul, and you seek there to discover those things that you share with all others.

I think we've built a bit of a culture and a market around people who are open and seek out that social interaction.

We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow.

I promise, before God and my community, to seek reforms so that the powerful and corrupt are no longer above the law.

I wasn't raised Christian. I certainly had to seek Him out and find Him, and it's changed my life. I'm so glad I did.

I make one pledge above all others - to seek and speak the truth with all the resources of mind and spirit I command.

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