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Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.
If you can't laugh at yourself, then how can you laugh at anybody else? I think people see the human side of you when you do that.
There may be a great fire in our hearts, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke.
As I get older, I get smaller. I see other parts of the world I didn't see before. Other points of view. I see outside myself more.
I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments.
We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.
Through literacy you can begin to see the universe. Through music you can reach anybody. Between the two there is you, unstoppable.
The black person is the protagonist in most of my paintings. I realized that I didn't see many paintings with black people in them.
I want to see gay couples stuck with their significant other at Home Depot with that far away look in their eye, get me out of here.
the free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it - basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them.
My definition of love is being full. Complete. It makes everything lighter. Beauty is something you see. Love is something you feel.
I feel I'm anonymous in my work. When I look at the pictures, I never see myself; they aren't self-portraits. Sometimes I disappear.
Make sure you like, comment and share other people's items. That teaches Facebook what kinds of things you like to see in your feed.
Do not say, 'It is morning,' and dismiss it with a name of yesterday. See it for the first time as a newborn child that has no name.
Every day is a gift from God. There's no guarantee of tomorrow, so that tells me to see the good in this day to make the most of it.
I never thought I'd live to see the day that an American administration would denounce the state of Israel for rebuilding Jerusalem.
I have struck a city - a real city - and they call it Chicago... I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages.
If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see further into the future.
Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman came to see our show, We all had a drink before they set off on their travels, and we kept in touch.
One of the problems in the biotech world is the lack of women in leadership roles, and I'd like to see that change by walking the walk.
It is rare that one can see in a little boy the promise of a man, but one can almost always see in a little girl the threat of a woman.
If you see harassment happening, speak up. Being harassed is terrible; having bystanders pretend they don't notice is infinitely worse.
When a man gets up to speak, people listen then look. When a woman gets up, people kook; then, if they like what they see, they listen.
Seems like God don't see fit to give the black man nothing but dreams - but He did give us children to make them dreams seem worthwhile.
The one thing you learn is when you can step out of your comfort zone and be uncomfortable, you see what you're made of and who you are.
When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.
Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.
I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you're grateful, you'll see God open up new doors.
I'm trying to get people to see that we are our brother's keeper. Red, white, black, brown or yellow, rich or poor, we all have the blues.
Each person does see the world in a different way. There is not a single, unifying, objective truth. We're all limited by our perspective.
Don't despair too much if you see beautiful things destroyed, if you see them perish. Because the best things are always growing in secret.
Have a bias toward action - let's see something happen now. You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away.
Whenever I really get serious about something, I pull my hair back into a tight ponytail. If you see me with that, you know I mean business.
I would not want compliments that 'I can do different roles'. I want compliments that whatever I did, I did nicely. That's how I see acting.
I think I've got a real love thing going. I love people, I love life, and I love nature, and I can't see why other people can't be like that.
No one will do for you what you need to do for yourself. We cannot afford to be separate. We have to see that all of us are in the same boat.
I just think it's silly to be stingy with compliments. If you see someone and they strike you as beautiful in any way, why not let them know?
The climb might be tough and challenging,but the view is worth it. There is a purpose for that pain; you just can't always see it right away.
Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today.
It's always fun to walk down the street with or behind a really beautiful woman, for no reason other than to see how the world reacts to them.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.
To be honest, I don't think there's anything more exciting than an empty stadium. When you see it empty like that, all you see is possibility.
Art is the window to man's soul. Without it, he would never be able to see beyond his immediate world; nor could the world see the man within.
And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
God instructed Nehemiah to build a wall around Jerusalem to protect its citizens from enemy attack. You see, God is not against building walls!
We only see what we want to see; we only hear what we want to hear. Our belief system is just like a mirror that only shows us what we believe.
In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it.
I hate wars and violence but if they come then I don't see why we women should just wave our men a proud goodbye and then knit them balaclavas.
If it looks good, you'll see it. If it sounds good, you'll hear it. If its marketed right, you'll buy it. But... If its real... you'll feel it.
Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words.