If I didn't have a front-row seat on history, it was at least a seat on the aisle.

My mother played the organ in church at Georgiana, and I sat on the seat beside her.

'Seat at the Table' has expressed real adversity, struggle, and also triumph and joy.

I'm flying by the seat of my pants, never creating with a thought to what's up ahead!

I have confidence in the responsibility of those who occupy a seat in the legislature.

You don't get to pick your partners in families; you get assigned a seat at the table.

Anybody can get bigheaded once they know the seat cannot be pulled out from under them.

You have to believe in something strongly enough that you would lose your seat over it.

I want to be choosier. I can't let quality take a back seat... not after 'Kaaka Muttai.'

Fame itself... doesn't really afford you anything more than a good seat in a restaurant.

I'm not Kathy Griffin. I can't do 1200 seat venues. I need 300, 400 something like that.

'Tigerman' was born in the front seat of a Hilux SUV on the road north out of Chiang Mai.

Bengal is a very important seat of cinema for me. I can't even think of giving it all up.

It's like I somehow snuck a seat at the grown-up table. I'm just trying not to get caught.

I feel like we've had a front row seat for the last 20 years to watching culture and youth.

I was a political junkie from an early age; I got a front row seat on something I love to do.

Folks, I've had the best seat in the house. Thanks for sharing it, I'll see you down the road.

The ability to change one's views without losing one's seat is the mark of a great politician.

With horns and a full rhythm section, the drums always looked like the best seat in the house.

Everything must justify its existence before the judgment seat of Reason, or give up existence.

When people realize they're being heard, and have a seat at the table, things seem to work out.

Sometimes I write captions on the in-flight magazines and then replace them in the seat pocket.

I despise places where you have to have an assigned seat. Makes me feel like I'm at the airport.

In life, I'm a guy who likes to drive a car quite fast, but I wear a seat belt at the same time.

Sometimes, the actual feeling of loving someone takes a back seat because we are busy defining it.

What springs from earth dissolves to earth again, and heaven-born things fly to their native seat.

When I got my Oprah money, the first thing I bought was a really nice electronic bidet toilet seat.

Our economy, our safety, our jobs all take a back seat to the left's political desire to hurt Trump.

I think, as a fan, when you are sitting there in the stadium you want to be on the edge of your seat.

I will fight hard to keep my seat in this place, but that will depend on the people who sent me here.

From the catbird seat, I've found poetry to be the necessary utterance it has always been in America.

I've talked to Mitt Romney. He's not going to run for this seat. I would be glad for him if he would.

Remember that nobody will ever get ahead of you as long as he is kicking you in the seat of the pants.

I don't fly by the seat of my pants. I set strategies, and then I pursue those in unrelenting fashion.

When I was a kid, the only way I saw movies was from the back seat of my family's car at the drive-in.

My style was always to put the audience in the driving seat, so they feel they're a part of the action.

I have a really difficult time watching myself on film. I literally cower in my seat and cover my face.

I love horror because you can never just sit back in your seat. You always have to be on the edge of it.

Thrillers are my favorite. I like stuff that keeps you on the edge of your seat or maybe makes you jump.

Most of the places I came from, you gotta do a lot of gunslinging or coaching by the seat of your pants.

You have to govern like you've got a majority. It doesn't matter whether it's one seat, five or 10 seats.

I'll see you at the theater tonight. I'll hold your seat til you get there. After that you're on your own.

When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat.

I love having a front-row seat on history, whether that's a White House briefing room or the campaign trail.

I've spiked a toilet seat before, a gallon of milk, even eggs. If you say it, I've probably spiked it before.

I'm kind of a germ freak. When I get on a plane, I spray my seat and everything with Lysol Disinfectant Spray.

The Max 10 will provide customers with even more flexibility in terms of airplane range and higher seat count.

The University of Texas is a place, a special place, that deservedly holds a seat among college football elite.

I don't feel like my life happens to me. I feel like I happen to my life. I feel that I'm in the driver's seat.

It costs about $27 million to win a seat in the United States Senate, so when you win one, you like to sit down.

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