There's two times of year for me: Football season, and waiting for football season.

Praise out of season, or tactlessly bestowed, can freeze the heart as much as blame.

There's a lot to love about Nancy Wheeler in the second season of 'Stranger Things.'

If you don't finish half of the races, you are not going to have a very good season.

A change of season calls for a change of scent that is both energizing and refreshing.

I love cuffing season. It's a very inspiring season for those who want to be inspired.

You can learn something from losses, wins, an unsuccessful season, a successful season.

My evil genius Procrastination has whispered me to tarry 'til a more convenient season.

Most people lose weight during the season, but I tend to gain weight during the season.

Son, we'd like to keep you around this season but we're going to try and win a pennant.

All round the room my silent servants wait, My friends in every season, bright and dim.

In 1962 I was named Minor League Player of the Year. It was my second season in the bigs.

I want to help the team to have a great season. I will give everything and never give up.

I've not been distracted by a long-running TV show or visits to America for pilot season.

I always do things that are not the flavour of the season. And that's why people like me.

You win pennants in the off season when you build your teams with trades and free agents.

It was a fight for a very long time. After the end of the first season, all that was done.

In the past, two colleagues died each season. It was generally accepted this could happen.

The way to be with God in every season is to strive to be near Him every week and each day.

But I plan on dedicating specific training to track this winter for the next racing season.

I don't know if anybody's ever ready for another award season. It's kind of like Christmas.

Before every season we take the Bachelor or Bachelorette out for publicity shots and video.

You want to look fashionable and put-together, not like you hit every sale rack this season.

Individually, I think things have been very, very good for me in my first season in England.

Our look and image never change dramatically from one season to the next, so we need an edge.

It makes me cross when I hear people say, 'It's so last season.' I always say, 'It's vintage.'

And this year is going to be the 25th anniversary of the 17-0 team, the only undefeated season.

Last year was a lifetime, a whole career in one season. We went from being the dregs to winners.

Fabrics such as raw silk, velvet, shimmer, satin and georgette work well for the wedding season.

Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.

Every season has its peaks and valleys. What you have to try to do is eliminate the Grand Canyon.

If I want to get a taste of beach culture, I'll fire up my season 2 DVD of 'Beverly Hills, 90210.'

'Dance India Dance' is family to me. I actually miss the madness whenever the season is not on air.

It's just about taking each game as it comes and hopefully being up there at the end of the season.

Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees.

Thanksgiving is a season that is very much in accord with the themes and teachings of Jesus Christ.

I set myself high standards on the pitch and I know I have not always lived up to them this season.

Sweet as sweetest Grecian honey will my song be when I sing, O Beloved, in the season of the Spring!

I am a season ticket holder to Dodger games. I go to every Dodger game I can go to. Every single one.

I don't think I realized that the cost of fame is that it's open season on every moment of your life.

Now I take the summer off, relax, and I know that at the end of July we're gonna start another season.

I think if people want to go back and look at season two of 'True Blood,' I'm proud of my work in that.

The rich, by unfair combinations, contribute frequently to prolong a season of distress among the poor.

I take it season by season. I don't like looking too far ahead, because you never know what can happen.

I work all summer and throughout the whole season to be prepared for the challenges that I have to face.

'The Wire,' I was such a fan of that show the first season - I think that's the best-written show on TV.

I live to hail that season by gifted one foretold, when men shall live by reason, and not alone by gold.

Every season is a new challenge to me, and I always set out to improve in terms of games, goals, assists.

The way I see it, an umpire must be perfect on the first day of the season and then get better every day.

We should be proud of what Cristiano has been doing. He scores 50 goals per season. I struggled to hit 20.

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