Scouting is a Game with a Purpose

As an investor, I'm always scouting for new trends.

Scouting is nothing less than applied Christianity.

The boy is not governed by don't, but is led by do.

A Scout smiles and whistles under all circumstances.

Teach Scouts not how to get a living, but how to live.

After 'Pithamagan,' I took a break scouting for good offers.

Scouting rises within you and inspires you to put forth your best.

The key for scouting is trying to predict when the player is peaking.

The sport in Scouting is to find the good in every boy and develop it.

I look at scouting reports, but don't let them dictate what I'm throwing.

I strongly believe in Scouting. ... It's a source of great strength to us.

Scouting teaches a boy to take care of himself and stand on his own two feet.

Show me a poorly uniformed troop and I'll show you a poorly uniformed leader.

In Scouting, a boy is encouraged to educate himself instead of being instructed.

Everyone has kind of a rough transition in the NFL. It's a different kind of scouting.

Every year at the NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis, PFF meets with nearly every team.

When you don't have the deepest pockets, you better have the best scouting and development.

Mr. Disney and his staff were constantly scouting for great stories to bring to life on film.

Guys pay extra attention to detail. They are looking at every little thing on the scouting report.

If it wasn't for Paul Brown, I probably wouldn't have a job because he basically evolved scouting.

As a young boy, scouting gave me a confidence and camaraderie that is hard to find in modern life.

The method of instruction in Scouting is that of creating in the boy the desire to learn for himself.

You never know, the way technology is going, we might all use the games for scouting by the time I retire.

It is the Patrol System that makes the Troop, and all Scouting for that matter, a real co-operative matter.

All the in-depth scouting reports we have on the opposing pitchers - just kind of learning how to study that, it's huge.

Scouting is important. You just want to know whom you are playing against and how to play them well within the team's defense.

ESPN is all meat and potatoes. It's pretty much scouting reports. There isn't a great deal of humor, and when there is, it's pretty sophomoric.

Scouting is like CIA work and investigative work. You create a lot of stuff and try a lot of stuff. Some works and some doesn't. I try to get creative.

If a team has multiple looks, it's so hard to stand in front of your team and say, 'This is the scouting report. This is what you have to prepare for.'

Nowadays, of course, flesh peddlers and scouting services identify the best athletes when they are still in junior high. Prospects are not allowed to sneak up on us.

Scouting ought to be about building character, not about sex. Period. Precious few parents enroll their boys in the Scouts to get a crash course in sexual orientation.

I was very fortunate that I had a great scouting staff at Everton from the academy, because it was those people who got the likes of Ross Barkley and Wayne Rooney when they were young.

No matter how much technology changes scouting, no matter how much free agency and big TV contracts change the business of baseball, I hope and pray that the heart of the game will never change.

To the man who reads 'Scouting for Boys' superficially, there is a disappointing lack of religion in the book. But to him who tries it in practice, the basic religion underlying it soon becomes apparent.

I really wanted to make 'Everest' visceral, real. One thing that amazed me when I was scouting in base camp is the volume of Everest: It's humbling. I wanted to find a way to bring that to the screen. One way was 3D.

There were a few labels scouting me, but I felt like G.O.O.D. had my best interest at heart. They gave me the freedom to really do what I want, which is to expand my brand, make great music, and find ways to elevate my sound.

It's one thing to have a scouting report and not be able to execute it, and it's completely different if you're able to kind of work your way through that report, attack guys certain ways, use different sequences, and be effective with them.

Scouting and player development is the key to year-in and year-out success, not the occasional lucky hit. There are no definitive answers in this game, no shortcuts. When you think you've got it all figured out, you can get humbled very quickly.

My agent called me when we were talking before I came to the States. He told me we are going to select only three or four teams who are most interested, who are calling the most, asking for you, who are watching me the most in Europe and scouting me.

As a scouting department, with the confidence we have in our player development, if a guy has the potential that we think they have and the makeup and they stay healthy, we think they will be a productive Major Leaguer. We take a lot of pride in that.

The night before games, I try to get some shots up. Early on the game day, I come early in the morning to try to get some shots up. I just try to do the same things: go through the scouting, watch some clips before the game, just try to get my body ready.

I was discovered out of nowhere. I didn't have family that was in the industry. I didn't know anyone in L.A.; I didn't have any reason to have been discovered. Nowadays, you have YouTube, and people are scouting more, but I really was plucked out of obscurity.

I really focus on process as much as anything else: process for how we evaluate players, process for how we make decisions, process even for how we hire people internally, process for how we go about integrating our scouting reports with guys watching tape in the office.

Only 38 per cent of players in the Premier League are English; that is a damning statistic. Soon, the England manager will have to go scouting for players in the Championship - and when I say 'soon' I mean the next four or five years, perhaps even for the next World Cup.

I think the process of 'SNL' is still pretty formal. You make an audition tape, your agent sends it in, they watch people's tapes, and then they invite people to perform at a comedy club in Los Angeles or New York. But I don't know how much actual scouting they do online.

We draft mostly high school kids and we have one of the finest, if not the finest, player development programs and coaching staffs and we teach our players the right way to play. We also have a game plan in scouting, and there are certain types of players that we look for.

So I'm going to tell you, it's going to be a good year. There are good players all over this country, and it is our job as a scouting department to find them, draft them, sign them, develop them, and help us to continue to win championships. So it's going to be a good year.

From the boys' point of view, scouting puts them into fraternity-gangs, which is their natural organisation, whether for games, mischief, or loafing; it gives them a smart dress and equipments; it appeals to their imagination and romance; and it engages them in an active, open-air life.

We just kind of relied on written scouting reports through the eighties and even the early nineties. I've really been amazed by some of the data that's out there, especially with regards to tendencies of hitters, and certainly tendencies of pitchers as well. I would have loved to have gotten that data when I played.

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