True artists scorn nothing.

A little scorn is alluring.

I scorn you, scurvy companion.

Do not scorn little victories.

True eloquence scorns eloquence.

I feel your scorn, and I accept it.

In high vengeance there is noble scorn.

Everything can be borne except contempt.

Of friends, however humble, scorn not one.

Scorn, at first, makes after-love the more.

I scorn their hatred, if they do but fear me

Always scorn appearances and you always may.

To scorn philosophy is truly to philosophize.

We love what we should scorn if we were wiser.

Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.

No corner of the world is free from group scorn.

Built God a church and laughed His word to scorn.

If one swain scorns you, you will soon find another.

There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.

Bad presidents don't deserve holidays. They deserve scorn.

A little disdain is not amiss; a little scorn is alluring.

I have nothing but scorn for all weird ideas other than my own.

They that reverence to much old times are but a scorn to the new.

This is a super masticated subject, and it is time to spit it out.

Fools may our scorn, not envy, raise. For envy is a kind of praise.

A legislature cannot be effective while suffering from public scorn.

Real nobility is based on scorn, courage, and profound indifference.

Dowered with the hate of hate, the scorn of scorn, The love of love.

Gold is a living god and rules in scorn, All earthly things but virtue.

She laughed with thrilling scorn. "Sophisticated-God, I'm sophisticated!

All affectation; 'tis my perfect scorn; Object of my implacable disgust.

And better had they ne'er been born, Who read to doubt, or read to scorn.

Launch out into the deep. One discovers by living in scorn of consequence.

As children, we develop some scorn for our parents and their imperfections.

It cannot be too often repeated, that truth scorns the assistance of miracle.

The scorn of genius is the most arrogant and the most boundless of all scorn.

I completely scorn the falsifying, the sanctimonious, the cheap and the shoddy.

Because right is right, to follow right Were wisdom in the scorn of consequence.

No matter how much we scorn it, kitsch is an integral part of the human condition.

Teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made For kissing, lady, not for such contempt.

Anybody who deliberately propagandizes with lies should be held up to scorn and ridicule.

Those lovers scorn whom that love doth possess? Do they call virtue there ungratefulness?

Human nature is the same everywhere; it deifies success, it has nothing but scorn for defeat.

That, let us rail at women, scorn and flout 'em, We may live with, but cannot live without 'em.

Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts.

'Grand Theft Auto', in its deification of antisocial behavior, is where I heap the most of my scorn.

In my field, you can't really wear the same dress twice unless you want Isaac Mizrahi to scorn you on TV.

I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand them.

New ideas that fly in the face of conventional wisdom of the day are always greeted with doubt and scorn, even fear.

Peoples, be peoples and others will respect you. Be courtiers and others will scorn you and it will be well deserved.

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