I like Bloomingdales, and I like a store called Scoop.

I am not someone who believes I am going to find a historical scoop.

I love all my scoop children. But consistency and persistence is really my aim.

I have a big bag of M&M's in the pantry, and I have a scoop after lunch. That's my treat.

I also want to announce that I'm changing my name. I haven't told anyone. You get the scoop.

When I'm not longer rapping, I want to open up an ice cream parlor and call myself Scoop Dogg.

Sometimes I do give in to a scoop of sitaphal ice cream from Naturals or a chocolate chip cookie.

My breakfast consists of skimmed milk, a scoop of whey protein, and granola with dry fruits and oats.

I guess they just wanted to scoop a bunch of people up, hoping they got me, and unfortunately they did.

I found out how great the E Street Band is. The reality of a band that you can't scoop aside, can't put in a corner.

In rock n' roll, there are notes that aren't like notes. They're something in between, and it's the way you scoop into it.

Of course the shrieking desire for the scoop can get really strong, but so is the desire to safeguard connections and keep everyone happy.

The secret to scooping ice cream is all about the scooper. You have to dip it in water before and after every scoop. Then it just rolls off.

There's a single with D.J. Class and Fatman Scoop - I'm not going to claim to be a singer, but my voice is in it and the song is technically about me.

In our benighted age, when films about amusement park rides and electronic fidgets scoop the honours, perhaps Hollywood redux is the best we can hope for.

You start chasing a ball and your brain immediately commands your body to 'Run forward, bend, scoop up the ball, peg it to the infield,' then your body says, 'Who me?'

I was more in opposition within my own party, and for a long while, I was part of the opposition. I had - Scoop Jackson was my candidate in '76. I made no bones about that.

We are constantly protecting the male ego, and it's a disservice to men. If a man has any sensitivity or intelligence, he wants to get the straight scoop from his girlfriend.

I'm becoming more and more apolitical - I think the most revolutionary thing you can do is just live your life and have a good time. Before they scoop you up on the street or you die.

On September twentieth every year, I got to choose my menu - meatloaf, corn niblets, and rice were followed by candles on chocolate cake with vanilla icing and a scoop of Brock-Hall ice cream.

You can make an argument that Bill O'Reilly is a conservative or a Republican. Bill's kind of unpredictable. Somebody might say that he would have been comfortable in the Democratic Party of Scoop Jackson.

The 'Natmeg' from England's Natalie Sciver attracted a lot of attention as a brilliant piece of improvisation, which requires every bit as much talent as a Tillakaratne Dilshan 'scoop,' or a Jos Buttler 'ramp' shot.

The film 'The Queen' came about with a producer saying to me that he wanted me to write about the circumstances behind Diana's death. I think he was hoping that I would come up with some journalistic scoop that would identify an MI5 covert plot.

Algorithms diminish public safety in this country. They ask us to pretend that lengthy arrest records and violent crimes don't matter. They ask police to scoop up the bad guys only for the courts to immediately release them. They turn us into a bad joke.

I feel like Valleywag has been different things with different writers over the years. Up and down. I think it's at their best when they get a legitimate scoop, like when someone leaks them documents. I feel like we could do more of that, breaking stories.

If you want to go the scorched-earth, Obamacare-is-like-slavery route and choose to stay uninsured, you will have the Palinesque guts, the Cruzian fortitude to wave off the ambulance that will appear to scoop you up should something bad happen to you, right?

Google and others truncate headlines at 70 characters. On the Manti Teo story, Deadspin's scoop fell down the Google search results, overtaken by copycat stories with simpler headlines. Deadspin's headline was 118 characters. Vital information - 'hoax' - was one of the words that was cut off.

What I noticed, in the short time I've been in Chickenfoot, we wound up doing a tour and a live DVD with basically that scoop sound. I was using OD2 for that entire tour. When we went out on this new tour and made the new record, I used the amp in an entirely different way. It was already modified.

I think every journalist understands when they are the beneficiary of hot information that, yes, they have a scoop, but they're also being used. Part of your responsibility as a journalist is to tell the story of why that information is coming to you, consistent with the ground rules of your sourcing.

I think unadulterated products and smaller portion sizes mean consumption of less food overall. Portion is everything. The first time I bought a scoop of ice cream in Paris, they weighed the ice cream on a scale before putting it on the cone. It was so small, it fell into the cone as she handed it to me.

I was working at the 'New York Times,' ruing every second of my life, thinking how was I ever going to get out of here, and thinking that one could only do it the way newspaper people have always done it. I needed a scoop, and I would go out and I would dream upon coming upon fires or the sky falling in front of me or anything.

What keeps me up at night? Waking up to a scoop at another newspaper or on TV. I'm probably competitive, almost too much so. I will stay up till the Web sites at night roll over. And if they don't roll over, I'll stay up until it's done. I'll wake up at the crack of dawn, or in the middle of the night even, just to go and check and see.

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