Look around when you have got your first mushroom or made your first discovery: they grow in clusters.

No generalizing beyond the data, no theory. No theory, no insight. And if no insight, why do research.

We achieve more than we know. We know more than we understand. We understand more than we can explain.

By skepticism . . . we arrive first at suspension of judgment, and second at freedom from disturbance.

Whatever the scientists may say, if we take the supernatural out of life, we leave only the unnatural.

Curiosity - the rover and the concept - is what science is all about: the quest to reveal the unknown.

Life is the twofold internal movement of composition and decomposition at once general and continuous.

The demands of the science, of the ethics and of the reason are superior to the demands of the people!

There are relatively few science fiction or fantasy books with the main character being an old person.

God creates dinosaurs, God kills dinosaurs, God creates man, man kills God, man brings back dinosaurs.

Human science fragments everything in order to understand it, kills everything in order to examine it.

I find science so much more fascinating than science fiction. It also has the advantage of being true.

CARNIVOROUS, adj. Addicted to the cruelty of devouring the timorous vegetarian, his heirs and assigns.

The best scientist is open to experience and begins with romance - the idea that anything is possible.

The roads of science are narrow, so that they who travel them, must wither follow or meet one another.

Any living cell carries with it the experience of a billion years of experimentation by its ancestors.

But it is not given to every electrician to die in so glorious a manner as the justly envied Richmann.

Oh, how I wish that Orwell were still alive, so that I could read his comments on contemporary events!

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has killed a great many philosophers.

The beauty of life is, therefore, geometrical beauty of a type that Plato would have much appreciated.

One of the main causes of our artistic decline lies beyond doubt in the separation of art and science.

Half of the modern drugs could well be thrown out of the window, except that the birds might eat them.

For the scientific acquisition of knowledge is almost as tedious as the routine acquisition of wealth.

The mathematician knows some things, no doubt, but not those things one usually wants to get from him.

O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon, Irrecoverably dark, total eclipse Without all hope of day!

The days of the digitals are numbered. The metaphor is built into them like a self-destruct mechanism.

Life is and will ever remain an equation incapable of solution, but it contains certain known factors.

There is nothing wrong with good accounting, except that it does not necessarily lead to good science.

The letter e may now no longer be used to denote anything other than this positive universal constant.

The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.

Unless you expect the unexpected you will never find it, for it is hard to discover and hard to attain.

Guessing before proving! Need I remind you that it is so that all important discoveries have been made?

Music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting.

The body is most fully developed from thirty to thirty-five years of age, the mind at about forty-nine.

There is no logical staircase running from the physics of 10-28 cm. to the physics of 1028 light-years.

If Einstein was so smart how come people only call you 'Einstein' when you do something really stupid ?

You cannot acquire experience by making experiments. You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.

I await your sentence with less fear than you pass it. The time will come when all will see what I see.

...to invent is to discover that we know not, and not to recover or resummon that which we already know

Thus, we see that one of the obvious origins of human disagreement lies in the use of noises for words.

This upper limit, of earth at our feet is visible and touches the air, but below it reaches to infinity

A man can do his best only by confidently seeking (and perpetually missing) an unattainable perfection.

Radiation, unlike smoking, drinking, and overeating, gives no pleasure, so the possible victims object.

There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience. And then there is California.

I just want to say one word to you-just one word ..."plastics!" ... There's a great future in plastics.

I like to think of it as this new field. Instead of computer science, it's going to be virtual science.

Confucius once said that a bear could not fart at the North Pole without causing a big wind in Chicago.

The names of the plants ought to be stable [certa], consequently they should be given to stable genera.

The laws of physics and chemistry must be the same in a crucible as in the larger laboratory of Nature.

I am an expert of electricity. My father occupied the chair of applied electricity at the state prison.

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