Any colour - so long as it's black.

There are no creeds in mathematics.

Freedom, the first-born of science.

Never, ever, compromise on science.

Knowledge is the death of research.

Observations always involve theory.

Evolution is cleverer than you are.

The plural of anecdote is not data.

FROG, n. A reptile with edible legs

Facts speak louder than statistics.

There is nothing new under the sun.

Execution is the chariot of genius.

Education is only second to nature.

Truth was the only daughter of Time.

Science is a cemetery of dead ideas.

So vast is art, so narrow human wit.

Baking is both an art and a science.

Human science is an uncertain guess.

Science has taken away our religion.

Experience by itself is not science.

I don't know anything about science.

Now I know what the atom looks like.

I wish I had my beta-blockers handy.

Any theory is better than no theory.

All nature wears one universal grin.

Non-aqueous solutions don't conduct.

Nature is accustomed to hide itself.

There are no shortcuts in evolution.

Matter moves, but Ether is strained.

It's like a mathematical law, Grace.

Time is the great workman of Nature.

The heart of science is measurement.

Hubris and science are incompatible.

By far the best proof is experience.

Cancer research is a growth industry.

What is the use of a new-born child ?

The real name for 'science' is magic.

Science grows like a weed every year.

Science should be on tap, not on top.

The only truly alien planet is Earth.

Infinity is just time on an ego trip.

Experience alone can decide on truth.

Earth has few secrets from the birds.

Art is nothing but humanized science.

Science is but an image of the truth.

Statistics is the grammar of science.

[Science is] the literature of truth.

I am the thought you are now thinking.

A man should carry nature in his head.

Geometry is the most complete science.

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