What we look for in the school is unrealized potential.

I got eight O-levels at school...zero in every subject.

Support charters; insist on change for failing schools.

If you want to be a different fish, jump out of school.

Age 10. I joined the school marching band as a drummer.

the chief thing I learnt at school was how to tell lies.

I learned English in a pub. I didn't learn it in school.

I didn't get lessons of any kind I slept through school.

I was a musical theatre geek in high school and college.

In fourth grade, I missed 82 days of school. Out of 160.

I wish at times I had finished school just to say I had.

An adult friend of Lincoln's: "Life was to him a school.

I've won. Hurray! I don't have to go to school any more.

I dropped out of school and I never took acting classes.

The only real ill-doing is the deprivation of knowledge.

I was not a jock in high school. I know, you're shocked.

Yes, I was going to law school and it was closed in '69.

I'm bilingual. I speak English and I speak educationese.

If you're going to school, you should do what you enjoy.

There is only one school of literature - that of talent.

I didn't get an athletics scholarship at a major school.

We should throw the Epistle of James out of this school.

I came in on the tail end of the old school of Hollywood

Sheep. I'm stuck in a boarding school filled with sheep.

There is too much repression and suppression in schools.

I went to an all white school where I dealt with racism.

When I went to law school, nobody heard of civil rights.

I know so much about men because I went to night school.

My mum is a school teacher and my dad is an electrician.

In an art school it's very hard to tell who is the best.

I'd like to work on putting art programs back in schools.

The only thing they can't teach you at art school is art.

I was a kid who went to film school and fell into acting.

High school isn't necessarily the best time of your life.

Just don't take any class where you have to read BEOWULF.

Stay in school. Lie to your teachers, but stay in school.

Apparently when I went to school, I had a Glasgow accent.

"Whom are you?" said he, for he had been to night school.

I think we've tied acquiring knowledge too much to school

Mom, thanks for letting me drop out of high school. Haha!

Graduate school is a place to hide for a couple of years.

If you're in high-school and you're not having fun, quit.

The education of the will is the object of our existence.

Ive never gone to culinary school, but I do love cooking.

All schools will end up using game metrics in the future.

Kids who go to normal school are so teenagery, so angsty.

I'll probably be still playing a school girl when I'm 60.

What I know is my music gets blamed for school shootings.

Bad experience is a school that only fools keep going to.

I finished law school in '56, but I was working two jobs.

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