Yeah, I've only been acting since I was 18 out of high school.

As for acting, I took drama lessons when I was in high school.

It wasn't until my senior year in high school that I started acting.

In high school, my goal was to be a writer for SNL, then I got into the acting.

It was in high school that I first became interested in acting. We put on lots of plays.

I graduated high school a year early and moved to Los Angeles to go to acting school, which is hilarious.

I started going to acting school in my senior year in high school, and I remained in acting school through four years of college.

I studied acting for 10 years before I went for an audition. I studied with Lee Strasberg and Actors Studio teachers, and went to the High School of Performing Arts.

When I was in high school, I would perform every year in those plays and there was something I really loved about it. But I was completely unaware that you could sort of get into an acting career.

In middle school, I played quarterback. I was at a tiny school, so you played offense and defense - I played linebacker, and in high school I stopped playing around my sophomore year because of my acting stuff.

I went to film school at Columbia and did that for a couple years and really thought I was going to be a filmmaker, and then I kind of drifted over to the acting side after that. I'd been an actor in high school, and when I got to college, it was all about film.

I grew up in Glen Ellyn, which is about 20 miles west of Chicago. I attended Glenbard South High School and University of Illinois. I didn't study acting until I moved to Los Angeles after college, but the fact that I was raised in the Chicago area set the stage for all of my comedic and acting sensibilities.

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