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I got scared away from the whole writing and producing thing, because of how really, truly difficult this was.
The thing that I'm just scared to death of is that someday I'm going to wake up and bore somebody with a film.
I like horror movies. Nightmare on Elm Street is my favourite. I even get scared a little bit watching horror.
Everyone is screwed up, broken, clingy, and scared, even the people who seem to have it more or less together.
I am afraid of death, scared by it. I already don't know whether I exist or not. So dying really terrifies me.
Because I'm quiet, people think I'm really cold, or rude, or snobby. But I'm literally scared to talk to them.
Please you can never compare to me, all these b****es is scared of me. I am who they couldn't even dare to be.
The same thing could have happened on Halloween if somebody in the neighborhood had jumped out and scared him.
You can't be scared. You do your thing, you hold your ground, you stand up tall, and whatever happens, happens.
I just really am trying, trying, all the time. But I like to be scared. I love to suddenly feel out of control.
You get negative comments even if you are not talking. So you can't be scared of negative comments from people.
I had really good hearing and when you're scared it gets heightened so you hear scratching noises or something.
I'm not panicking, and I'm not scared, I've been through the Gulf War, the Asia crisis, and the Russian crisis.
The success of Torn was a bit too much for me. I took a year off and was still scared to start the second album.
...can I tell you something...? I don't think you're in love with the past. I think you're scared of the future.
I woke up one morning, went downstairs, said 'Good morning' to my mother and nearly scared both of us to death.'
Where I came from, the nights I had wandered and survived scared them, and where I would go they never imagined.
If you push through that feeling of being scared, that feeling of taking risk, really amazing things can happen.
It's something I want to overcome. And my kids are scared to death to fly. I want them to witness me overcome it.
So why don't you go home for vacations?' I asked her. I'm just scared of ghosts, Pudge. And home is full of them.
I have to live authentically at all times. And that's part of what makes me an artist. I'm not scared to do that.
When someone holds a knife to your throat it's easy to be scared. It's not hard to imagine what it would be like.
Phoenix Nights' was really starting to take off. But I was scared to leave my job in case things didn't work out.
I thought, 'If I make 35, it'll be okay,' and then at 40, I got scared, and now that I'm 81, I'm scared to death.
You can only be brave by being afraid. Embrace what you are scared of and shift its energy to destroy your fears.
I love horror movies. I mean, who doesn't like a good horror movie every once in a while? It's fun to get scared.
I'm not scared of Tiger. I'm not scared to go head-to-head. I'm not scared to have a long-drive contest with him.
I'm not scared of anything in particular, but I am motivated by a fear of failure as opposed to a need to succeed.
My philosophy is to not be scared of anyone. If I play well, great; if I don't, I learn from the match and move on.
I've never YouTubed myself, and I'm actually scared to do it. I think I may just let sleeping dogs lie on this one.
A lot of people don't want to make their own decisions. They're too scared. It's much easier to be told what to do.
As far as men go, they never gave me a chance to be me; they were always scared that somebody was going to take me.
You have to be a little scared of what you're doing. Otherwise, you just paint the same masterpiece a little worse.
When you become controversial, when you want to promote new ideas, you need to be the face of it and not be scared.
We run when we're scared, we run when we're ecstatic, we run away from our problems and run around for a good time.
'I Am Legend' was a rich, emotional experience where you could be scared and cry, and there's some wish fulfilment.
The Republican Party was just as scared of the Tea Party as the Democrats were. We just didn't know it at the time.
I'm always scared when I fight. But that fear is what keeps me more alert and more focused. It's good to have fear.
You have to show the character is confused or scared or happy through your voice instead of with your face and body.
Scared?" Malfoy muttered, so that Lockhart couldn't hear him. "You wish." said Harry out of the corner of his mouth.
Courage isn’t a feeling that you wait for. Courage is doing when you don’t have courage. Courage is doing it scared.
I wasn't scared; I was just somebody else, some stranger, and my whole life was a haunted life, the life of a ghost.
There's not a lot of pop music in the mainstream that makes you feel scared, that makes you wonder what's happening.
People used what they called a telephone because they hated being close together and they were scared of being alone.
People are scared to have a strong opinion because, with social media, almost everyone lives the life of a celebrity.
I'm afraid of everything. But maybe when you're afraid of everything, it sort of seems like you're scared of nothing.
I get scared of a lot of attention. I get scared of the spotlight. And I'm not talking about on the basketball court.
My heart raced. He needs you, I thought. Don't let him down. I couldn't remember ever being so happy... or so scared.
I've traveled the world and been about everywhere you can imagine. There's not anything I'm scared of except my wife.
It is so important for designers not to run scared, and not to be too worried about what's safe and what's commercial.