When the news wants to tell you something is important, they put dramatic theme music behind it. They scare you into watching the story.

What makes Freddy Krueger such a horrible character? What makes him scare you to death? You can't get rid of the guy. He never goes away.

If it entertains you, cool - read it, listen to it, watch it. But if it horrifies or disgusts you or scares you, then don't listen to it.

Damon Scares me,' Maggie said. 'Maybe you should do what he wants.' 'Can't.' 'Why not?' 'Because he killed me. That kind of pisses me off

I want to do things where the talent range is difficult and that scare me. I thrive on that; if it's not scaring me then I'm not growing.

Write about the thing that scares you most or your most private confession and you'll never have a problem coming up with decent fiction.

My advice to teens is to try and do something that scares you every day because it's the only way you can test how far you can really go.

Real-life things, like spiders and snakes, that doesn't scare me, but if it's a monster or a ghost or an alien, that will always scare me.

The directors whose films scare me the most, are the ones who carefully hide the aggression in the background, and don't show it directly.

People tend to scare you pointing out your shortfalls. If you voluntarily admit your faults, then people won't have anything to point out.

Your talent and giftedness as a leader have the potential to take you farther than your character can sustain you. That ought to scare you.

I'd like to say to women everywhere: don't allow these right-wing talking heads, these dishonorable people, to intimidate you or scare you.

Seeing bigger guys doesn't scare me at all. It just makes me want to compete against those guys. Bigger or smaller guys - it doesn't matter.

But I love being scared. I think you're brave only when you do things that scare you. I've always used fear as a motivator. I'm not sure why.

Couples take care of each other, Clare, that's what makes them a couple. And couples tell each other when something happens that scares them.

Driving fast on the track does not scare me. What scares me is when I drive on the highway I get passed by some idiot who thinks he is Fangio.

I wouldn't say I'm normal. But I'm relatively stable. When I think of normal, I think of mediocrity, and mediocrity scares the f--- out of me.

The future is called 'perhaps', which is the only possible thing to call the future. And the important thing is not to allow that to scare you.

Angels do not intend to intimidate or scare, but their overwhelming glory and being will stun us into sudden contact with what is far beyond us.

My style is definitely not ladylike - frills and bows kinda scare me - but I like the military look because I love that olive green khaki color.

Jesus had a tough life. I read about that guy. Jesus is the only guy that ever came back from the dead that didn't scare the F- out of everybody!

I think that the joke and the ghost story both have a similar set up in that you kind of set something up and pay it off with a laugh or a scare.

As long as you keep the audience on the edge of their seats, either scare them or keep them guessing, you can put anything in there that you want.

Many of the critics have kids of their own. It scares the hell out of them to think that their kids could be anything remotely like David Lee Roth.

You know, I'm an African-American quarterback. That may scare a lot of people because they - they haven't seen nothing that they can compare me to.

I would like to stay stoned all the time, it scares me it’s so good. I would like to stay stoned every minute of every day for the rest of my life.

You know, sometimes I get moments of inspiration when I'm writing something and then the task seems so daunting that it just kind of scares me away.

The notion of democracy beginning to emerge scares the ideologues, the totalitarians, those who want to impose their vision. It just frightens them.

Our contemporary Tories prefer the term 'ordered liberty' to 'freedom'. The word 'freedom' scares them; it has too much of a paleolithic ring to it.

I will not allow my experience to scare off other young women or girls from running for office. For the sake of all of us we cannot let that happen.

I'm an Olympic champ. I defeated Demetrious Johnson. I defeated T. J. Dillashaw. You think a World Series of Fighting former champ is gonna scare me?

It should scare every voter in the 5th District that a powerful D.C. lobbyist is trying to install a personal congressman in our part of Connecticut.

Scary movies depend on sound a lot to scare people. When I look around and see people are jumping in their seats, I think: Why? Why? Nothing happened!

A lot of horror movies just look at how they can scare people, and no matter which character dies, you don't ever really feel enough to actually care.

The whole wide world scares me! Seriously. I think what happens in our world is so much more frightening than anything I can come up with in my movies.

Thirty years ago, there was definitely a huge difference between men and women, and the man wanting to feel like the protector, and not scare the wife.

After 'Spring Awakening,' I wanted to do things that are really challenging and outside my comfort zone: things that scare me a little and make me grow.

Group conformity scares the pants off me because it's so often a prelude to cruelty towards anyone who doesn't want to - or can't - join the Big Parade.

I wanted to be a dentist when I was younger. But then I started to get big and realized that my hands were so big, I'd kind of scare the little kids away.

I love discussing social issues, but I'm not interested in scare tactics. I believe there is a way to bring awareness in tandem with forgiveness and love.

When I was a kid, I used to love it when one of my friends would jump out from behind a door and try to scare me. I always did the same thing in response.

It is wrong to make anyone into an enemy; it is wrong to scare the people of one's own country with that enemy and try to rally some allies on that basis.

For me, the slower burn is a deeper and more effective scare. But I only like those kinds of scares when they're really earned. I don't like false scares.

I never went to church. The priests couldn't scare me with all that crap about hell, but somehow I knew, inside of me somehow, I knew that I'd pay for it.

I'm a guy who likes to watch something cool, creepy and suspenseful and there is no show to watch as an adult that would scare me at for even four seconds.

The biggest threat to our economy comes from the loony left economic policies of the Democrats, which would scare off investment and bring back stagnation.

Well, for one, you have to remember not to scream. Once you have their attention, whispering is much more effective. Screaming ghosts scare people, you know

My wife is my first audience. She's a tough lady, so I can't say that I ever scare her. Except, of course, when she sees me the way I look before breakfast.

For a time I would feel I belonged still to a world of straightforward facts; but the feeling would not last long. Something would turn up to scare it away.

I've often thought that it would be great to do some acting because nobody would think that I would be able to do it and it scares the living hell out of me.

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