I'm not saying that love always takes you to heaven. Your life can become a nightmare. But that said, it is worth taking the risk.

We live in a material world. I'm not saying that beautiful things don't enhance our lives. But, in our culture, we're never happy.

I never had a backup plan. I felt like if I had a backup plan, it was like saying to the universe that I didn't believe in myself.

The true genius shudders at incompleteness - and usually prefers silence to saying something which is not everything it should be.

Middle Age is that perplexing time of life when we hear two voices calling us, one saying, 'Why not?' and the other, 'Why bother?'

There is an old show business saying which warns never to work with animals or children, but nobody prepared me for Molly Meldrum.

America fell in love with the innocence of a kid who just was honest, saying, I did the best I could, and I had no formal training.

Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.

I was the first actress in the family, and I am still the only actress in the family. I shouldn't be saying it, but it slipped out!

You know, sometimes, when they say you're ahead of your time, it's just a polite way of saying you have a real bad sense of timing.

To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.

Let us beware of saying that death is the opposite of life. The living being is only a species of the dead, and a very rare species.

We have a saying in my house, my kids and my girlfriend. We say, 'Be your best for the greater good, and rock out wherever you are.'

I spent two years playing open mic nights in Brighton, and I heard more and more people saying, 'You should give it a go in London.'

If you want break it down, rock and roll is about saying what you can't say in normal life to girls, so you have to say it in songs.

There's nothing worse than sitting down to write a novel and saying, 'Well, okay, I'm going to do something of high artistic worth.'

There are times in life when language fails us, when everything that needs to be said can be expressed only by saying nothing at all.

I love being Jewish; I have no problem with it at all. But it did become like a scar, with all these people saying you don't look it.

It's not always about convincing your parents of what you want to do, but just saying, 'This is what I'm doing; this is what I love.'

I miss people. I miss going anywhere and meeting a random person and saying 'Hi' and having a conversation about life. I love people.

When I was off TV, people would ask me to please come back, which I think was their way of saying, 'There's nothing out there for us.'

I believe in the saying, 'If you aim at nothing, you're going to hit nothing.' So if you don't set goals, then you have nowhere to go.

I have been quoted saying that, in the future, all companies will be Internet companies. I still believe that. More than ever, really.

I remember Robert Plant coming backstage after the first show saying, 'Hey, boys, I should be opening for you.' That felt pretty good.

It goes without saying that when survival is threatened, struggles erupt between peoples, and unfortunate wars between nations result.

I have a saying - 'You treat me good, I'll treat you better. You treat me bad, I'll treat you worse. And when in doubt, knock 'em out.'

When we say 'Blackpink in your area,' we're literally saying we're in your area with good music, with good energy - we're here for you.

Diplomacy is more than saying or doing the right things at the right time, it is avoiding saying or doing the wrong things at any time.

I'm saying there's plenty of money out there for great consumer entrepreneurs with great consumer products attacking really big markets.

I'm saying, come on, the global warming thing? How did the ice melt during the ice ages? Was the dinosaurs driving SUVs around back then?

The most wonderful thing I hear is people coming up and saying 'Thank you for my childhood', which still blows my mind but is very sweet.

Let the people who never find true love keep saying that there's no such thing. Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die.

As great minds have the faculty of saying a great deal in a few words, so lesser minds have a talent of talking much, and saying nothing.

I don't dare to think my paintings are great. I can't understand the arrogance of someone saying, 'I have created a big, important work.'

I always say that when I'm playing well, no one can beat me. I'm not just saying that to sound full of myself or anything, but it's true.

I started saying things in church that didn't meet with a lot of approval - like 'Jesus isn't coming back.' They started throwing Bibles.

'Preacher' - what it's saying is not just blasphemy and good, fun violence. It's asking, 'Where is God?' If he is there, what's he doing?

Imagination allows us to escape the predictable. It enables us to reply to the common wisdom that we cannot soar by saying, 'Just watch!'

When people ask me about Cade, how he's doing or how we're doing, I always end up saying, 'Oh he's great, he's a keeper, he's a good one.'

Anger does not solve problems - anger only makes things worse. I go by the old saying, 'Don't make important decisions when you're angry.'

Stop saying these negative things about yourself. Look in the mirror and find something about yourself that's positive and celebrate that!

To be willing to sort of die in order to move the reader, somehow. Even now I'm scared about how sappy this'll look in print, saying this.

Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent.

So much of my career has been about saying things the way people say them, using melodies not that I can sing but that the people can sing.

Sometimes my brain is saying, 'Go wild on food,' and I'll want to pig out, but I'll tell myself, 'No.' You either want to win or you don't.

Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary.

My husband and I love the saying, success is not owned. It's rented, and rent is due every single day, and I really and truly believe that.

Americans have different ways of saying things. They say 'elevator', we say 'lift'... they say 'President', we say 'stupid psychopathic git.

Talking to my wife, we stare at each other, saying, 'How is this happening? Why is this happening? Why now?' It's nothing I ever aspired to.

I love things made out of animals. It's just so funny to think of someone saying, 'I need a letter opener. I guess I'll have to kill a deer.

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