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I've felt that dissatisfaction is the basis of progress. When we become satisfied in business, we become obsolete.
I'm not easily satisfied with things. I always want to do better. I always want to improve. I always want to grow.
I always think about what I missed, and I think that was my driving force - never be satisfied with what I've done.
A lion's work hours are only when he's hungry; once he's satisfied, the predator and prey live peacefully together.
Jealousy is never satisfied with anything short of an omniscience that would detect the subtlest fold of the heart.
Lord make me satisfied with small things. Make me content to live on the outside of life. God make me love the rind!
Writing is agony for me. I work at it eight hours every day, hoping to get six pages, but I am satisfied with three.
You are a real find and you keep me satisfied, up to a point. After all, I'm a malcontent and you can't change that.
On the high wire, within months, I'm able to master all the tricks they do in the circus, except I am not satisfied.
I always want to become better. If never being satisfied is a problem, then I have it. At least it's a good problem.
Don't waste time trying to break a man's heart; be satisfied if you can just manage to chip it in a brand new place.
These are the sort of things people ought to look at. Things without pretensions, satisfied to be merely themselves.
If you're satisfied with your social life, according to psychologists, you tend to be satisfied with life in general.
I am not satisfied in making money for myself. I endeavor to provide employment for hundreds of the women of my race.
I'll never be satisfied in classical ballet. It'll never be good enough. I'll never be happy with most of my product.
Defensively, from a team standpoint, I didn't feel I played very well. Very rarely was I satisfied with how I played.
I'm never satisfied because I've been always interested in too many things and I always want to do everything at once.
We've never been satisfied with just making 'me' music. What we're doing is trying to go to a place of some reverence.
The truth is that I know very few novelists who have been satisfied with the adaptation of their books for the screen.
I'm satisfied with making true choices and finding the woman I love, Angie, and building a family that I love so much.
You can't satisfy everybody; especially if there are those who will be dissatisfied unless not everybody is satisfied.
I definitely care. I'm very competitive, but I am satisfied with my delivery and that I only missed with a few pitches.
The main thing is to be satisfied with your work yourself. It's useless to have an audience happy if you are not happy.
As we interact with God, we'll find ourselves more satisfied in Him and less satisfied with things much less important.
I want tension in my business. Tension creates change. Change is necessary to evolve and prosper. I am never satisfied.
If you're really satisfied with your position on something, you just say, 'Hey;' you just very calmly present something.
I've never felt massively satisfied from standing there while someone takes my photograph. It's never given me a thrill.
I mean, I hate to gloat, but I'm extremely satisfied with my position in life and the way things have worked out for me.
You must remember that a woman, by nature, needs much less to feed upon than a man, a few emotions and she is satisfied.
At the end of the day, I feel like I have no one to blame but myself if I'm not satisfied with how I look on the runway.
Lyft is enabling an exciting new model of freedom and personal mobility, as evidenced by its millions of satisfied users.
I always leave a box of unsalted almonds in my house. A handful of those are a good snack that should keep you satisfied.
You must never actually cheat the customer, even if you can. You must make her happy and satisfied, so she will come back.
An artiste like me can never be satisfied because it is the dissatisfaction that helps me grow and achieve what I want to.
I've never felt completely satisfied with what I've done. I tend to see things too critically. I'm trying to get over that.
It's a blessing and a curse, 'cause I'm never satisfied, so I continually want to outdo myself. But still, I'm never happy.
With independent music, I can do what I feel satisfied with, and not feel the pressure of what others expect me to deliver.
The important thing is to be ready when the team needs me. As long as I can do that, I consider myself satisfied and happy.
I am happy and satisfied at the end of my career, but not much. Yes, I would have loved to leave the stage in a better way.
I enjoyed doing the 'Tom and Jerry' cartoons, and if we had never done anything else, I would have been perfectly satisfied.
If I can be of inspiration to anyone to go after their goals and their dreams, then I feel like I'll be satisfied with that.
I think no actor should be ever satisfied because there is always something new to do, something fresh to get challenged by.
I trust my hand. If I go into a space with a roll of paper, I can make a work, some kind of work, and feel pretty satisfied.
If I have any audience, they can know that anything I am in, I would go see, with the expectation of being really satisfied.
I don't know any member of Congress who ever said, 'I'm satisfied with the communication that we have from the White House.'
I am a kind of competitive person. I am competitive with myself. I won't let anything go until I am satisfied with how it is.
An appreciable number of directors have shifted to lower-cost films, allowing them to be satisfied with a more modest return.
Happiness is something you get from yourself. If you're completely satisfied with yourself, nobody can take it away from you.
The whole of society is like a cabbage-stalk covered with caterpillars, and none is satisfied till it has crawled to the top.
I'm the kind of player who is never satisfied on the pitch. If I score twice, I'm already thinking about getting a third one.