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My most frequent collaborators at S.N.L. are the incredibly gifted writers Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider!
If ever there were a candidate destined to shine on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show,' Sarah Palin would be that woman.
It would be absurd for me to diagnose Sarah Palin with a sprained ankle, let alone any sort of mental illness.
I think the notion of Sarah Palin being president of the United States is something that frightens me, frankly.
I look up to Andrea Boccelli and Sarah Brightman. The best part about 'America's Got Talent' was performing with her!
If I were Sarah Palin, would I want to sit in an interview with someone who was secretly out to get me? Probably not.
I must point out - Sarah Jessica Parker is not a diva - she's one of these pop culture characters that everybody likes.
What do I predict with the HBO 'Game Change' movie? I expect my family and Sarah Palin to be nothing short of crucified.
People like Bill Burr and Jim Gaffigan and Zach Galifianakis and Sarah Silverman - they were all amazing and helpful to me.
Sarah is very strong. She's really intelligent and she's very physically capable. I like to put that into my own life as well.
I'm thankful for Sarah Palin's vice presidential bid, which taught us that Alaska is not in a box off the coast of California.
I listen to everything - from Sarah McLachlan and Alanis Morissette all the way down to rap like Scarface, UGK and Lauryn Hill.
I mean, you make a movie with Sarah Palin in it, you get great ratings. That's easy. I know how to get ratings: get Sarah Palin.
In high school and college, I did not have any Christian friends except my best friend Sarah, who I actually 'brought to Jesus.'
I knew after 'Sarah Marshall' that my favorite genre is romantic comedy. Nothing is more satisfying than a great romantic comedy.
I love Sarah Jessica Parker; I've worked with her. I think she's amazing... She's a great producer and has a great business acumen.
Sarah Phelps is such an incredibly detailed writer. She's famous for bringing literature to life, like Dickens and Agatha Christie.
Take a look at Mila Kunis. When you see her performance in 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall,' you see a beauty there, and also a sadness.
One thing about writing 'The Sarah Silverman Program' was the concern that I don't give myself the best story, you know what I mean?
I don't usually admire Sarah Palin, but when she was making fun of this 'hopey changey stuff,' she was right: there was nothing there.
I do not resent Sarah Jessica Parker. We've been friends for decades. I just do not like what 'Sex and the City' did to my neighborhood.
I actually prepared Vice President Biden for his debate in the last election. I played Sarah Palin. It's a little tough debating a woman.
In fact Sarah Palin has created more jobs than Obama has. She created eleven jobs fact-checking at the AP just for the Palin autobiography.
I worked for Sarah Palin. I have the political staffer version of P.T.S.D., so whenever I hear that she's breaking her silence, my heart stops.
Sarah Palin embarrasses herself almost immediately upon opening her mouth to speak or upon moving her fingers to send messages to her dull flock.
I wish I'd had more fun in college. I spent a lot of time in my dorm room, reading or writing while listening to my Sarah McLachlan Pandora station.
John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as running mate is the towering example of his poor judgment. Palin's ignorance of public affairs is monumental.
Sarah Polley's 'Stories We Tell,' James Ponsoldt's 'The Spectacular Now,' Destin Daniel Cretton's 'Short Term 12' - these are really important movies.
Why is it our business whether Sarah Palin returned to her job as governor three days after her son was born, or three months? Is there a right answer?
Sarah Silverman. She's the reason I do comedy. Her DNC speech was my favorite thing I ever heard. Sitting down with her and laughing would be incredible.
At one point, Sarah Palin sent her husband instructions to stock up on 'fresh fruit and veggies' for the kids, and 'as little processed foods as possible.'
I just sit down and write. I never know when. The most recent one is 'Sarah Still,' which is about our life, Sarah and me. It's my favorite of all my poems.
In a media instant, Sarah Palin went from an unknown moose hunter to a mass phenomenon on the precipice of becoming the vice president of the United States.
It's curious that apart from the baroque ranting, 'Sarah & Duck' is very similar to 'The Thick Of It' - great characters, excellent writing and lots of humor!
I have a big problem with people who glamorize dumbness and demonize education and intellect. And I'm giving a pretty good description of Sarah Palin right now.
Sarah Cooper sounds like a character on 'The O.C.,' who was written out in season two, and it's like she moved into my body and gentrified my whole personality.
I am uncomfortable with Sarah Palin. I have nothing against her. I'll say she's a very talented woman. Yet I think she owes John McCain her gratitude and loyalty.
When I was a little girl at school, I really wanted to be Katie or Sarah or Sophie. When you're a little girl at school, you want to be like the other little girls.
Sarah Palin is an heir to the women's movement. She has not been constrained by gender. At no point in her life has she thought, 'I can't do that because I'm a woman.'
I did go to UCLA for art, but the other option was going to Sarah Lawrence and doing creative writing all the way. So that is part of the reason I love to read so much.
'Vogue' has a history of picking up on various TV shows that reflect a moment in popular culture, whether it's putting Lena Dunham on the cover or Sarah Jessica Parker.
In real life, I'm very different from Sarah Dunn. She's from the North. I grew up in the South. I wear big hoop earrings. I love me some makeup, and that's not her at all.
What I can say, categorically, is that working with Sarah Paulson and Kathy Bates will have been the most formative experience for me, as an actor, for the rest of my life.
I listened to everything. To the early Motown groups - the Four Tops and the Temptations - to Johnny Mathis, Gloria Lynne - my sisters loved her. Sarah Vaughan. Everything.
The idea of the celebrity politician is nothing new, and depending on one's perspective, either President Obama or Sarah Palin are the country's first celebrity politicians.
I'm a working actor, and I'm really appreciative to be a working actor, but it's another level when you're a working actor with the likes of Sarah Paulson and Angela Bassett.
I remember hitting Sarah Michelle Gellar with a right hook during my first week on the job. It was awful. They usually pair actors with stunt doubles to avoid things like that.
Having worked with Sarah Paulson on 'American Horror Story: Hotel' and seeing the lengths she goes to when shooting a scene, you go, 'Oh, so that's what this is going to be like.'
I have had enough of the sexist treatment of Sarah Palin... I call upon the McCain campaign to stop treating Sarah Palin like she is a delicate flower who will wilt at any moment.
Sarah Palin is treated like a bimbo sometimes, but she has never given the public the respect they deserve. She acts silly and doesn't know stuff. She didn't even finish her term.