I can’t leave now. I like her too much. There, I said it. But I won’t say it again.

And I said to myself that he was the first thing that I had ever missed in my life.

I've said many, many, many unkind things about Philadelphia, and I meant every one.

If I said that God did not send me, I should condemn myself; truly God did send me.

People rarely said what they thought, or revealed how they felt. No one was honest.

Alexander the great was ask how he conquered the world he said, "by not waivering".

A nothing will serve just as well as a something about which nothing could be said.

I've said that "2012" was my favorite ensemble cast, because it was so evenly good.

My mom said the only reason men are alive is for lawn care and vehicle maintenance.

All my life, she gave to me a shovel and said, Fill these holes inside of me, Pari.

Last year we said, 'Things can't go on like this', and they didn't, they got worse.

Crispus Attucks, who said, Don't shoot till you see the whites! Never got a dinner!

I would never build a lawn trimmer," Myrnin said. "What did the lawn ever do to me?

Abraham Lincoln, who said, A house divided... is a condominium. Never got a dinner!

Unfortunately, there's been a lot of very divisive, dark things said about Muslims.

Were you listening to a word I said ' 'I kind of switched off when you drew breath.

You were dead.' She said. 'And in the whole world there was nothing beautiful left.

Actually," Alan said, earnest and clear-eyed, "this is my first time playing poker.

A lot has been said about single mothers. Most of it has been less than flattering.

If there is a life after this one, he said, let me meet you in it, James Carstairs.

When I said it aloud, it sounded terribly creepy, which is why I had said it aloud.

You promise me, he said. That you love him. Enough to marry him and make him happy.

Whate'er is well conceived is clearly said, And the words to say it flow with ease.

Mark Twain put it best when he said, 'Reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated.

If something can be said to make an awkward moment even worse, I'm going to say it.

If somebody had come to me and said will you move heroin, I would have told them no.

To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images.

It is easier to say new things than to reconcile those which have already been said.

Ye werena the first lass I kissed," he said softly. "But I swear you'll be the last.

You are the devil to talk to, Rachel," he said curtly. "Will you shut up and listen?

It has been said that the body is like an automobile - it's yours, but it isn't you.

There's so much goop inside of us, man," he said, "and it all just wants to get out.

I always said I wanted to be the best at what I could do. I feel like I can improve.

The pessimism that protests and defends itself cannot be truly said to be pessimism.

I'll call you," Manny said. "You do that, my man. You frickin' do that." -Manny to V

she’s not as pretty as you,” I said “But she’s a simpler girl,” my mother whispered.

I didn't say I liked it Harry. I said it fascinated me. There is a great difference.

And this also," said Marlow suddenly, "has been one of the dark places of the earth.

Every day is a gift. That said, I've gotten some pretty shitty gifts over the years.

Great, now I’ve turned into a manga character who repeated everything everyone said.

You never do things the easy way, do you?" she said. "There's an easy way?" I asked.

I'd rather be myself," he said. "Myself and nasty. Not somebody else, however jolly.

Tell the audience what you're going to say, say it; then tell them what you've said.

He said we're all going to die,' 'And what did you say?' 'I said that's why i'm here

From my point of view, there is a tremendous amount to be said for secular humanism.

I said we are Ghodratis and there's nothing that Ghodratis like more than a bargain.

You may choose your friends, but not your unlikely saviors,” Magnus said cheerfully.

There are things to confess that enrich the world, and things that need not be said.

There's not enough said about the beauty of being able to focus on what you do well.

That's what the cat said to the canary when he swallowed him - 'You'll be all right.

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