The law of sacrifice is uniform throughout the world. To be effective it demands the sacrifice of the bravest and the most spotless.

Anything so precious as the gospel of Jesus Christ is worthy of all the effort and sacrifice of time and means employed to teach it.

How truly blessed we shall be if at the price of even very great sacrifices we shall have made God known and loved by one more soul!

I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love.

It is a trick among the dishonest to offer sacrifices that are not needed, or not possible, to avoid making those that are required.

There is no such thing as static happiness. Happiness is a mixed thing, a thing compounded of sacrifices, and losses, and betrayals.

It is nonviolent non-co-operation which evokes the highest spirit of self-sacrifice that will wean one from the error of one's ways.

I think everyone knows how much of a joint effort being in politics is. It requires all kinds of sacrifices and all kinds of support.

We live at the edge of the world, so we live on the edge. Kiwis will always sacrifice money and security for adventure and challenge.

Those faithful Mormon pioneers ... were willing to put everything on the altar to sacrifice for and defend their God and their faith.

Reforming is about curbing government power. It is a self-imposed revolution; it will require real sacrifice, and it will be painful.

I don't want to abandon one work for the other, and I don't think I need to sacrifice anything to put my all into either one of them.

My key interest in choosing scripts is character-driven stories, because there are so many stories that sacrifice character for plot.

Success depends on how much you are willing to sacrifice, how much you are willing to alter your everyday life for a particular goal.

I will sacrifice my comfort, my convenience, my economic position in order to stand in protest, but not impose that on everyone else.

The work that leads to a doctor's degree is a constant temptation to sacrifice one's growth as a man to one's growth as a specialist.

Most of the time when you're going for a championship, unless you have guys who are willing to sacrifice, you're not going to win it.

Sometimes you must sacrifice yourself on the altar of effort to be reminded of what and who you could become if you applied yourself.

The world is put back by the death of every one who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality.

You get rich because you do things most people will not do. Success requires sacrifice. You must be willing to make those sacrifices.

Sadly, there are inherent risks associated with the job of a law enforcement officer, and some make the ultimate sacrifice each year.

The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us. we ought, for so dear a stake, to sacrifice every attachment & every enmity.

Love is willing self-sacrifice for the good of another that does not require reciprocation or that the person being loved is deserving

Love and sacrifice are closely linked, like the sun and the light. We cannot love without suffering and we cannot suffer without love.

To me you have to commit yourself to the sacrifice, because it's so important. Even if people don't agree, they appreciate commitment.

Are you ready to sacrifice to end world hunger? To sacrifice to end colonialism? To end neo-colonialism? To end racism? To end sexism?

Across the country, people are willing to tighten their belts and sacrifice. The president should ask the oil industry to do the same.

The gospel alone liberates you to live a life of scandalous generosity, unrestrained sacrifice, uncommon valor, and unbounded courage.

I've made sacrifices. I'm not anti-fashion but I've always had a bit of a punk attitude. That's important, I think. I do my own thing.

There's no sacrifice in eating well, there is no sacrifice in pleasure. To the contrary, the best-grown food is actually the tastiest.

Patriots is quite simple; there's seven continents in the world, if you had to sacrifice one continent and make it six would you do it?

Without whining and without making myself a tragic figure, there is no replacement for the loss of your privacy. It's a huge sacrifice.

Well, there was a time when we used to sacrifice goats, but then we all became vegans, so we've been sacrificing tofu before the shows!

Your love should be so far reaching, earnest, biblical, Christ-centered, pure, and self-sacrificing that the world may hate you for it.

If you put your mind to something, if you give 100 percent, if you sacrifice, and if you dedicate yourself, anything is truly possible.

The Ventoux is a god of Evil, to which sacrifices must be made. It never forgives weakness and extracts an unfair tribute of suffering.

We should tell the true stories of that day to honor the memory and sacrifice of those who perished on 9/11 and in the long wars since.

Democracies are slow to anger and hesitant to go to war: Voters don't want to sacrifice their children for the glory of a selfish king.

Join a company of young men and women who have made a covenant by sacrifice to turn a nation through united massive fasting and prayer.

It is not the church we want, but the sacrifice; not the emotion of admiration, but the act of adoration; not the gift, but the giving.

Meditation is the ultimate selfless act, because when you meditate you are sacrificing your puny personality for the universal reality.

Sacrifices have to be made if you want to make a dent in the world, and that's what I started out to do - to make a dent in pop culture.

He who never sacrificed a present to a future good or a personal to a general one can speak of happiness only as the blind do of colors.

I grew up doing gymnastics. It requires discipline, eating right, getting sleep, lots of sacrifice. But the pros outweigh the sacrifice.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about the paratroopers I served with who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

Again, during a sacrifice, the augur Spurinna warned Caesar that the danger threatening him would not come later than the Ides of March.

The old question still remains: Can a free people restrain crime without sacrificing fundamental liberties and a heritage of compassion?

I would like to have won more golf tournaments. But I wouldn't sacrifice my life. I've enjoyed it. I'd love to do it again the same way.

I'm not going to sacrifice love, real love, for any *%@$n' war or any friend, or any business, because in the end you're alone at night.

Sacrifice may be a flower that virtue will pluck on its road, but it was not to gather this flower that virtue set forth on its travels.

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