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There is still a severe and scary amount of extreme poverty in rural parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Burma and sub-Saharan Africa.
My father was an engineer working for a textile company that had several factories scattered in rural towns in the southern part of Japan.
I prefer the countryside to cities. This is also true of my films: I have made more films in rural societies, and villages, than in towns.
My life is the land, the dogs, the car, the motorcycle, the pond, the canoe, going to pick up mail. It's just a rural retreat that I enjoy.
It's rural America. It's where I came from. We always refer to ourselves as real America. Rural America, real America, real, real, America.
I met a person on my rural tour in northwest Wisconsin who said to me, 'I feel politically homeless.' And we need to re-engage that person.
Whenever I leave home to film, my wife Marina gets terrified that I'm going to come back having bought a tiny plot of land in rural Alaska.
It was a rural upbringing by the seaside. A real quiet place surrounded by fields. I had to travel into town for school and stuff like that.
Most of India is rural; there is a huge population in India not being tapped for their excellence. They have no access to great universities.
My program intends to outsource tree plantation to uneducated rural men and women with a monthly salary of Rs5,000 for barely an hour's work.
Probably I look different in different get-ups, so I can pass off as an urban and rural character, hopefully with the same kind of conviction.
All the scientists and technologists should work in appropriate region, specifically the rural technologies, to transform Indian rural sector.
Programs that pay farmers not to farm often devastate rural areas. The reductions hurt everyone from fertilizer companies to tractor salesmen.
Writers who aren't from rural states in the Midwest or the West often treat such people as if they were the Waltons or the Beverly Hillbillies.
I'm very fortunate and grateful to wake up every morning in the rural countryside I live in, looking at farmland and these beautiful mountains.
Smart habitation is an integrated area of villages and a city working in harmony and where the rural and urban divide has reduced to thin line.
I always said that to get India stronger, first strengthen its roots, and all our roots are our country's interiors, rural areas, and villages.
I think maybe the rural influence in my life helped me in a sense, of knowing how to get close to people and talk to them and get my work done.
Midsomer Murders' is more about character and atmosphere. It portrays a kind of idealised rural England, just as the French like to imagine it.
Members of the Academy are mostly urban people. We are an urban nation. We are not a rural nation. It's not easy even to get a rural story made.
Since the nineteen-fifties, rural Florida has marketed itself to Northerners and Midwesterners as an unexplored paradise of citrus and mermaids.
A lack of reliable high-speed Internet access creates an opportunity divide between Central Virginia's rural communities and our suburban areas.
My agent tells me I am drawing the largest salary ever paid in the halls of England. Wonderful, isn't it? for a quiet, rural gardener like myself.
Even Bollywood films set in rural areas have music with a western touch. So, this has resulted in listeners losing touch with their cultural roots.
Infrastructure investment is critical to closing the digital divide in our country and bringing high-speed Internet access to more rural Americans.
My mother was a union member. She was a mail carrier, a rural mail carrier. She called herself a 'postal packin' grandma' for a good period of time.
Although I've lived in England for more than twenty years, I still have a foreigner's passion for all the details of English history and rural life.
The Millennial Generation - the biggest American generation in history - is reversing the migration into rural areas and moving back to city centers.
History suggests that attempts to privatize Medicare by relying on private companies to offer Medicare benefits in rural America simply will not work.
I grew up in Maryland on the East Coast - you know, close to D.C. but sort of in the suburban, rural area - and Nashville felt very, very homey to me.
In the rural South, 'Bubba' is like how people say 'dude' in California. It's a name for a regular Southern man. I know a Chinese Bubba, a black Bubba.
Connected communities are fundamental to all aspects of growth and prosperity, and essential to keep our young people and attract others to rural Iowa.
The H-1B visa program which helps sustain our rapidly growing economy and also helps meet the health care needs of families living in rural New Mexico.
I think a common misconception about a small town in rural America is that everyone believes the same way, and nothing could be further from the truth.
I was brought up in a very rural area on grounds of a castle. It was a working farm, and I even remember the local shepherd wearing his Barbour jacket.
With its distinctly rural feel, the New York band Woods makes an ideal soundtrack for balmy walks amidst mammoth trees and crunchy beds of dead leaves.
I know this is hard for people who live in rural communities, but if you can, walk to the store. You will help the environment and get a little workout.
Economic anxiety might not have won Donald Trump the White House, but much of his strongest support came from more sclerotic rural and industrial areas.
Women, especially in rural India, have to undergo such suffering and pain. It is important for our cinema to address their pain, anger, and frustration.
My preferred environment is by the sea or somewhere rural. I don't want to be in a city, I don't want to visit New York and I don't want to go shopping.
I've been watching RFD-TV for a few years. As a person who lives mostly in the country, I appreciate a network that shows the many facets of rural life.
As one of the voices of rural New Yorkers in Congress, I am committed to supporting efforts such as these that will make a real impact in people's lives.
I think the extent to which I have any balance at all, any mental balance, is because of being a farm kid and being raised in those isolated rural areas.
Balancing our energy portfolio is a real chance to reduce energy bills, revitalize rural America, slow global warming and strengthen our energy security.
Offhand, the only North American writers I can think of who have come from a background of rural poverty and gone on to write about it have been Negroes.
It's hard to believe President George Bush gave a speech in New Orleans about disaster recovery and failed to mention the word 'farm' or the word 'rural.'
There's a tremendous amount of rural areas where the constituencies tell me on a regular basis that they are underserved by the availability of broadband.
What we know about American medicine is that our supply of health-care professionals is not equally distributed. In rural areas, we have severe shortages.
Sky and clouds and trees and little figures relaxing in the perfect rural rhythm of their surroundings: these are the staples of a Gainsborough landscape.
I don't know if it matters what country you're from, size of the city you're from, urban or rural, there are people that are hurting each other everywhere.