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Growing up in a rural setting in Minnesota, I was raised with the outdoors and a sense of adventure.
Athletes from rural areas are getting a chance to showcase their talent through the Khelo India Games.
Ultimately, stable growth will ensure that urban and rural incomes increase and people's lives improve.
I didn't grow up on any sort of border; more in the middle of nowhere, in rural eastern North Carolina.
More than half of America's rural counties are losing population and with it, political representation.
I don't have any plans to make money for myself. All I wish to do is empower rural women in our country.
I grew up in a university town in eastern North Carolina - what's called Tobacco Road. It was very rural.
My mother was an extremely creative woman, despite the fact that she lived the life of a rural housewife.
Bloom County was set in a tidy, rural environment probably because of Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'
Geographically, Ireland is a medium-sized rural island that is slowly but steadily being consumed by sheep.
I was raised by a great single mother. I grew up in rural Kentucky, and she's just a really compassionate woman.
A stuffy Capitol Hill hearing room differs quite a bit from the wide open, rural landscape of Louisa County, Va.
In August 2008, I moved with the man who would become my husband from Boston to a cabin in rural North Carolina.
Eighty percent of what doctors do, tech can do at a fraction of the cost - especially your rural doctor in India.
I grew up in Sudan and Kenya, and lived in both the rural and urban centers of both countries throughout my life.
And sometimes people don't realize that 90 percent of the persistent poverty counties are located in rural America.
I grew up in the country in the rural South, and I have a brother a year older than me and a sister a year younger.
I came from Iowa, south central Iowa. It was a very rural area. I saw a lot more hogs growing up than I saw people.
In many ways I'm an experimental and new music composer that comes from a rural tradition rather than an urban one.
If I'm in the English countryside and get on my bicycle, I see what sort of strange inbred rural locals I can snap.
I married a man whose Hindu father grew up in the rural north of India and whose Jewish mother grew up in the Bronx.
One of India's major blessings is the rich store of experience and knowledge available in the rural and tribal areas.
I want people to be excited about cooling towers and megasheds; they're as much part of our history as the rural barn.
In Mexico, a network of government-operated rural convenience stores is offering banking services to rural communities.
I come from a rural state. People drive 50, 100 miles to and from work every single day. That is true all over America.
If I am ever forced to cover guys playing video games, I will retire and move to a rural fishing village and sell bait.
My vision for the country is to urbanise rural areas. What is available in the cities must be available in the villages.
The poverty found in rural areas has some characteristics that are very different from the poverty found in inner cities.
I grew up in very rural Ireland. The Internet was kind of a connection to the greater world. It had a lot of significance.
The fact that I have a Southern accent and write about a lot of rural things leads people to put me in the country category.
I decided in '96 to dedicate my life to mostly promoting literacy and education for girls in rural Pakistan and Afghanistan.
In rural parts of China, it's like stepping back into the era of my grandfather or great-grandfather - not much has changed.
I've always been sort of interested in the rural countryside. Things happen out there that are very strange to city dwellers.
I grew up in a small, rural community, where my extended family were mountain-folk type people, and some were very religious.
The older I get, the more I appreciate my rural childhood. I spent a lot of time outdoors, unsupervised, which is a blessing.
Country music originates with the colloquial, rural aspects of white America. It's really, truly, rural white America's blues.
We need to transform our rural areas, restore the land to its rightful owners, and significantly grow our agricultural output.
We are neither anti-urban nor pro-rural. We know there is a gap between urban and rural areas; we are only trying to bridge it.
I need to be working with the art world in N.Y.C. as much as I need to be working in my studios in Chicago and rural Wisconsin.
Having come from a working-class family in the rural South, the fashion industry opened my eyes to culture, arts, and the world.
My father worked in agriculture, and I got to travel round remote rural areas with him and see a bit of the landscape and people.
I grew up in a little town between Bath and Bristol with my parents and grandparents in the same house. It was rural and idyllic.
I think my songs are singing to the rural heart. It's not whether you're from a big city or the middle of nowhere in a small town.
To drive a car in rural America is freedom. Before I had a car, I'd never seen a rock and roll show, I'd never seen a comic or a show.
I was raised in rural south Jersey, and there was no culture there. There was a small library, and that was it. There was nothing else.
How the hell can you change gender in the rural areas? I am a woman. We don't have good doctors; we are not rich to do such procedures.
Latin American culture is conservative, and the rural areas are tremendously conservative. I don't believe that's just a Chilean thing.
Now in a lot of rural towns in Kentucky, the school system is the heartbeat of the community, not to mention one of the major employers.
Neither Western donor countries like the U.S. nor poor recipients like Cameroon care much about Africans who are poor, rural and female.
I went to a public school in Oak Harbor, Ohio, and it's a very rural community. I was an artist kid, and I just didn't fit in very well.