I jack, I rob, I sin. Aw man, I'm Jackie Robinson 'Cept when I run base, I dodge the pen

My grandmother and I saw an average of eight movies a week, double features, second run.

Move forward. Keep drawing myself. I will look at the world in the eyes and run forward.

I don't always run in the mornings, but I am definitely better if I run in the mornings.

I'm a competitor. I really enjoyed the race more than just going out and running to run.

Think you're escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home.

Take the tale in your teeth, then, and bite till the blood runs, hoping it's not poison.

I've run the marathon several times, so I definitely don't look like the Great Ancestor!

My head is full of fire and grief and my tongue runs wild, pierced with shards of glass.

We waste a lot of time running after people we could have caught by just standing still.

In practice, don't just run basketball drills, teach the players how to play basketball.

Makin' veterans run for medicine, Cause I put out more lights in a fight than ConEdison.

There's so much fear running our lives that we forget to be human when it really counts.

It feels good to play a little music / Tears running down my face 'cause I love to do it

The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of everyone else's money.

Sometimes a slight pace change is all you need to snap out of a mental or pyhsical funk.

People who assume I want to run for elected office may be dealing from a bad assumption.

It was very constraining, much more than I ever would have thought, to run for governor.

What the hell did I do in the 80's? Midnight Run. A perfect movie. Just a perfect movie.

I want to run for eternal glory and track is great, but it's not what life is all about.

God sometimes removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after them.

I drink maple syrup. Then I'm hyper so I just run around like crazy and work it all off.

If you see somebody running down the street naked every single day, you stop looking up.

I wish the dryer were running, because man, I could use a good...tumble dry."-Eve Rosser

The same stream of life that runs through the world runs through my veins night and day.

I don't run straight at a constant pace; soccer is always a change of pace and movement.

I will be leaving my great business in total in order to fully focus on running America.

After flirting with neoisolationism, the U.S. is now deciding it wants to run the world.

Patience is like ice cold water running through your veins, but our love will be immense

You must be fast. Bigs are fast, running all over the court. You must be ready for that.

If you're passionate about something, then you should pick up your flag and run with it.

Don't try to run your life through a single straw. Someone, some event, will cut it off.

I can run up a wall and do a back flip - that's the most impressive thing that I can do.

You know, theres endorphins in laughter, as there are endorphins in running in the park.

More than the time, it's about how you feel - you want to be strong throughout the race.

Lente, lente currite, noctis equi. Translation: Run slowly, slowly, horses of the night.

It is pleasant, when the sea runs high, to view from land the great distress of another.

Those who say that I will lose and am finished will have to run over my body to beat me.

I was thinking, while I was running..." He paused. "About not hitting the trees, I hope.

As athletes, we have ups and downs. Unfortunately, you can't pick the days they come on.

I was 12 when I started and 34 before I achieved my dream, that should give people hope.

You're not going to fix things by helping 65-year-olds or 75-year-olds for any long run.

I'm not running for president to be somebody, I'm running for president to do something!

You got one guy going boom, one guy going whack, and one guy not getting in the endzone.

How can you respect the world when you see it's being run by a bunch of kids turned old?

Chasing after a pleasure to ease a pain is like running after a breeze to cool you down.

Wit resembles a coquette; those who the most eagerly run after it are the least favored.

It doesn't matter who you vote for. It's still the same billionaires that run the world.

Never knock on death's door. Ring the doorbell then run. He totally hates that. - T-shirt

The idea of running around and screaming about Jason Voorhees trying to kill you was fun.

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