Fitness - Focus - Form.

Mileage makes champions

Gentlemen, let's go row!

You alone are responsible

Go out there and thrill me.

Go out there and row faster.

What's Princeton doing today?

Let the boat work - and not me!

Ergometer is Greek for 'work meter'

Make your blade a water-seeking missle

I am very proud of rowing the Atlantic Ocean.


There is advantage in the wisdom won from pain.

To improve the oarsman you must improve the man.

Don't blow your load on the first stroke, fellas.

Big guys like you and me aren't allowed to whine.

I find rowing very boring, I've got to be honest.

Still loving the sport; still working on the focus.

Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat.

Be not afraid of rowing slowly. Be afraid of standing still.

If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working on it.

Follow the stroke - or be the stroke that the rest can follow.

The ship is going by a mighty engine, and you are busy rowing.

I have been out again on the river, rowing. I find nothing new.

The hardest part of rowing properly: Eyes and Minds in The Boat!

Racing shirts should be sold on big, thick rolls like paper towels.

There is a place where cerebral an corporeal meet: they call it rowing

There's way more pressure cooking for cooks than rowing at the Olympics.

I must keep on rowing, not until I reach port but until I reach my grave.

To hell with that. If a guy can pull a big erg, I can teach him how to row.

My ideal date would involve a park or rowing in those little boats on a lake.

And all the way, to guide their chime, With falling oars they kept their time.

I was rowing the boat alone against a tide, running against an incumbent in 2013.

Go as hard as you can on the first piece and then pray that you get switched. Repeat.

While power is important, efficiency is critical. Many have worked hard and gone slow.

All my life I've been rowing against the tide. What can I do? It seems I was born that way.

Sports like sailing, rowing, and bobsled have long vexed spectators and television producers.

Virtue dwells at the head of a river, to which we cannot get but by rowing against the stream.

Rowing provided a place to go, a community where people cared about what I did and what I achieved.

Rowing it was pointed out, was a sport that risked few injuries. So it was, I ould discover, but only if you did it right.

To follow the drops sliding from a lifting oar, Head up, while the rower breathes, and the small boat drifts quietly shoreward.

Most people are rowing against the current of life. Instead of turning the boat around, all they need to do is let go of the oars.

Ocean rowing is very much what you make it. Rowing technique is pretty irrelevant on the ocean. It's the psychology that's important.

I've ended up water skiing behind the Stanford rowing team as well as water skiing behind an excavator while it swung around in a circle.

If you want to know why you didn't make a boat -- I'll tell you. You're just out there hammering the water. You're killing fish, not rowing.

I experimented with every kind of class possible - yoga, spin, Pilates, rowing - but it was all haphazard, cobbled together by trial and error.

Internally, you experience rowing as a graphic microcosm of life - solitude, learning, work, rest, nourishment, sharing and ultimately challenge.

A combination of cardio exercises on the rowing machine, treadmill, elliptical, or The Gauntlet will help blast fat in the lower half of the body.

If you do the treadmill or elliptical all the time, try adding the rowing machine or stair climber, maybe get a new bicycle. You want to keep it fresh.

On one of our very first days when we tried rowing, our coach, James Mangan, showed us a video of the Boat Race. That was part of the impetus for us to start rowing.

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