Charm never made a rooster.

Hongry rooster don't cackle w'en he fine a wum.

To get a better piece of chicken, you'd have to be a rooster.

Rooster, maybe well crows, but the eggs still bears the chicken.

Wise man is the rooster of the universe: He awakens the unawake!

A four-hundred-dollar suit on him would look like socks on a rooster.

We are made mysteries to ourselves by the Rooster Coop we are locked in.

If it looks stupid on a rooster, it's probably gonna look stupid on you.

All animals are sad after coitus except the female human and the rooster.

After coitus every animal is sad, except the human female and the rooster.

Roosters: The cry of the male chicken is the most barbaric yawp in all of nature.

It may be the rooster that does all the crowing but it's the hen that delivers the goods.

George Bush taking credit for the wall coming down is like the rooster taking credit for the sun rising.

Trying to sneak a fastball by Ted Williams was like trying to sneak a sunbeam by a rooster in the morning.

While farmers generally allow one rooster for ten hens, ten men are scarcely sufficient to service one woman.

The more excited the rooster gets, the higher his voice goes. He's got a little bit of a Barney Fife quality to him.

You have the chicken, the hen, and the rooster. The chicken goes with the hen So who is having sex with the rooster?

Why did I keep hitching myself to dreams as big as that Montana sky? I was like Rooster Jim's chickens, with no way to fly that high.

I formed a band called Atomic Rooster. The Atomic Rooster was sort of an underground cult band, sort of psychedelic. We did very well.

[Heihei] a really dumb rooster. You have to just turn the rooster so his head ends up hitting the grain. He's not smart enough to eat.

Then, early, early, early in the morning-just as in countless Disney films-I heard a rooster crow. But guess what? They don't do it just once.

I played an artist in a comedy called 'Rooster.' It was a zany film by Glen Larson, a friend who produced several successful television series including 'Magnum PI.

He had never known such gallantry as the gallantry of Scarlett O'Hara going forth to conquer the world in her mother's velvet curtains and the tail feathers of a rooster.

Nature is none other than God in things. Animals and plants are living effects of Nature; whence all of God is in all things. Think thus, of the sun in the crocus, in the narcissus, in the heliotrope, in the rooster, in the lion.

The two girls disappeared into the stern cabin once more. Will watched them go, then asked Halt, 'Anything you'd like me to do? Grow a beard? Learn to walk like a rooster?' 'If you could stop asking facetious questions, that'd be a start,' Halt told him. 'But it's probably a little late in life for you to do that.

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