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I don't remember the hotel rooms or the airports but I always remember the events.
Look around the room a few times a day as if you had just been born into that room.
Any room in our house at any time in the day was there to read in or to be read to.
It would leave no room for developments and I intend to develop in many directions.
Dancing - however you do it, even if it's in your living room - is a great workout.
Whiskey is carried into committee rooms in demijohns and carried out in demagogues.
Faulkner sat in our living room and read from Light in August. That was incredible.
I don't like dining rooms. I think they have too much structure and are too formal.
You know that a lot of people go to emergency rooms when they don't really need to.
For the whole world, without a native home, Is nothing but a prison of larger room.
Leaving this life is just like going from one room to another and closing the door.
I still have a lot of room for improvement. I need to become a more skilled player.
When there's no more room under the Christmas tree, Ken Foree will have a birthday.
There is room neither for the poet nor for the contemplator in an egalitarian world.
Baseball, of all sports, and maybe of all human endeavors, has no room for cynicism.
Being with an insanely jealous person is like being in the room with a dead mammoth.
A rattlesnake loose in the living room tends to end all discussion of animal rights.
The only time I'm the only woman in the room is when I go to the leadership meeting.
I prefer images that are less specific, so there is room for everyone's imagination.
History, like wallpaper, repeats itself and can also make a room look old-fashioned.
The tea is ice-cold, the room grows colder and colder, but I grow warmer and warmer.
I have left my book, I have left my room, For I heard you singing Through the gloom.
I'm never going to write a whole paragraph describing what a living room looks like.
Here, let's go to my dressing room, and I promise, I'll only put it in for a second.
I knew it. I knew it. Born in a hotel room - and God damn it - died in a hotel room.
The most difficult thing about being well known? Getting out of a hotel room at 4am.
I have always tried to make room for anything that wanted to come to me from within.
All the trouble in the world is due to the fact that man cannot sit still in a room.
I like to leave a little room to innovate and change things around while I'm working.
At 21, there's lots more room there, plenty of things to improve on as you get older.
I'm a huge E! fan. Every hotel room, I watch it all the time. 'E! News' is fantastic.
Do whatever you want in the back room of pharmacies, but keep it away from consumers.
It isn't true that convicts live like animals: animals have more room to move around.
It's somehow symbolic of Hollywood that Tara was just a facade, with no rooms inside.
Two daiquiris withdrew into a corner of a gorgeous room and one told the other a lie.
I like going from one lighted room to another, such is my brain to me; lighted rooms.
There's plenty of room for humor in politics, God knows, but it's a serious business.
I'm not the distraction in the room.' 'Oh? And what might be?' -Nora & Patch (PG 242)
I wanted to hear my own whispers in the next room and know that I was thinking of me.
It was as if pain were a room he had entered and the door had been locked behind him.
Let's not get too full of ourselves. Let's leave space for God to come into the room.
The living room should be a place where we feel totally at ease - temple of the soul.
I'm satisfied with the way 'The Room' turned out, and I don't want to change anything.
There's no room for being a visionary in the studio system. It literally cannot exist.
Men at forty Learn to close softly The doors to rooms they will not be Coming back to.
For mankind, universe is a battle arena against universe; there is no room for crying!
There's such a buildup of crud in my oven, there's only room to bake a single cupcake.
I always make mistakes and I always fix things up, as best I can, in the cutting room.
...being alone with him was like being in a room which someone had just violently left
American Horror Story on cable now, it is terrific. There has to be room to re-invent.