I'm drawn to bad romances.

I can't write about NRI romances.

My parents did not encourage romances.

The good romances are as good as anything.

I write nothing but contemporary romances.

Romances I ne'er read like those I have seen.

Office romances are few, short, and not usually destructive.

I tried writing adult romances, but it just didn't fit my voice.

I write edgy, sexy teen romances, and that's what I'll continue to do.

I find short, fast romances romantic. There's a beauty to dark imagery.

I approached everything, my job, my family, my romances, with intensity.

Nothing ever seems straightforward in Venice, least of all its romances.

The earliest form in which romances appear is that of a rude kind of verse.

Fiction is a way for writers to preserve their friendships and their romances!

Work place romances always seem to get very confused and peculiar, in my experience.

If all young actors want is to star in romances, what do they need to learn kung fu for?

No matter what's happening in my life, I can always get lost in the romances of my characters.

It was not till toward the end of the thirteenth century that the prose romances began to appear.

Idealizing the reality of past romances won't do you any favors as you face Valentine's Day alone.

I didn't have romances when I was in school. Girls didn't want to go out with me because I was blind.

There are certain romances that belong in certain cities, in a certain atmosphere, in a certain time.

All my films are, in some way, romances. But I've always felt that the best romances are somehow doomed.

I have this sense of independent heartbreak, of annulling romances before they get their feet off the ground.

It is stupid to think the audience is a bunch of fools who can be manipulated by long titles and NRI romances.

Every good movie I watch, the hero becomes my favourite. I start blushing every time a hero romances a heroine.

Workplace romances - or even the illusion of a workplace romance - can carry many ramifications and consequences.

I've had enough off-screen romances and now I'm happy being socially and emotionally challenged, on and off camera.

My mother wrote a couple of romances when I was a kid, and I always saw books in our bookshelf with 'Schroeder' on the spine.

I don't get the romances. I did try - a film called 'Roseanna's Grave' in the 1990s. I liked it. But the audience didn't come.

Romance novels are my favorite books to read. I write young adult romances, and am so happy to be promoting this wonderful genre.

Regency romances end in marriage; zombie stories end in the zombies being vanquished. 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' delivers both.

I write about messy relationships - between friends, rivals, married couples, siblings. I'm not really interested in boy/girl romances.

Going back to my own past as a reader, I was a big, big reader of romances, particularly as a teenager, the age that my books are aimed at.

My final historical romance came out December 2005. While I enjoyed writing medieval romances, I was also dying to write something with more edge.

If I look back on my life, you can almost tell the story of it through pop songs. Romances as a teenager, your first kiss, first love, first heartbreak.

I always say 'thriller;' if they see you're a woman - and you're a blond woman - people assume you're writing about cats and romances where somebody has died.

People aren't defined by their relationship. The whole point is being true to yourself and not losing yourself in relationships, whether romances or friendships.

Sometimes I look at music as like movies. And so I feel like you can have your comedies, and you can have your dramas, and you can have your romances or whatever.

I've found that readers of historical romances really like series because they get to revisit characters and find out what happens with them. I've done several series.

One of the reasons people like romances is that they're artificially shaped to give a pattern and meaning. It's not as messy as everyday life or as difficult or thorny.

Marseilles, Barcelona, Trieste, Istanbul - each romances the Mediterranean in its own fashion, mostly by embracing the sea in sweeping C-shaped bays that date back to antiquity.

Teenagers are asking, 'Who am I?' and 'How do I fit in?' in every aspect of their lives, and the best YA romances appreciate that there is more to a teen's life than finding love.

I was still an avid reader of Mills & Boon romances - on publication day, I used to rush out of work to get to the local book store to grab my favourites before they all disappeared.

I think of my books now as suspense novels, usually with a love story incorporated. They're absolutely a lot harder to write than romances. They take more plotting and real character development.

My daughter loves romances. She's a Ph.D student at George Washington University, and when my first book without a clinch cover came out, she said to me: 'Finally, a book I can read on the Metro.'

To be honest, I chose romance because writing a book seemed so dauntingly long. I looked around for something short, discovered Harlequin romances, and decided to read a few to see if I could do it.

I am a family man. I do not want to be considered a womanizer or a ladies' man. I do not want to be attributed to romances that I never had. And example for me is my parents, who have created a strong family for life.

In fiction, as in real life, love might inspire acts that are at best foolish and at worst life-threatening, but in the best romances, love is the final, secret ingredient that turns mere mortals into heroes and heroines.

They ask questions like 'do you believe in aliens' and those types of things. They were really interested in aliens, and that was really something that the Japanese have an interest in, and they are also very big fans of romances.

My sexuality is not black and white. I'm a gay man who has occasionally drifted. I am not bi. I've had perfectly pleasant romances with women, but they weren't sustainable. My passion wasn't there. I would always be looking at guys.

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