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I don't really love roller coasters because I feel like they're filled with germs and make me nauseous.
AOL was a roller coaster ride. I was lucky and privileged to be a part of it, both the ups and the downs.
I hate the feeling of falling - I'll never jump from a plane - but I love a good roller coaster. Go figure!
The thing about grief is that it's a roller coaster - it's up, it's down. The emotions sometimes take over.
I was a mechanic at a go-cart place, a deejay at a roller rink, a telemarketer in New York, a grocery bagger.
Life is a roller coaster. There are ups; there are downs. There are hills; there are valleys, peaks, and so on.
I don't want to use my platform to speak out against anybody. I'm a rock and roller. I play music for a living.
It may seem like I've gone from one show to the next, but it's been a roller coaster. I've had my share of lows.
My life has been a roller coaster ride, but somehow I've always been able to land on my feet and still play the guitar.
I don't have to live the roller coaster other people live with my life. It's hard because people try to have an effect.
I just want to go to Disneyland. I need that a lot, to just let everything go, go on some roller coasters and have fun.
My journey with Rajesh Khanna was good, thrilling... a roller coaster ride. I feel honoured to have two children with him.
I was sitting in the toilet and I was by myself. I was tired of playing with the roller, so I said I'd better write a book.
Life has to be a roller coaster ride. Otherwise, what's the point of living? Why should I make a song and dance about mine?
When I was 3, my parents strapped on a pair of Playskool plastic roller skates to my feet, and that's where the story begins.
Professional wresting is like performance art. It truly is. You're taking the crowd on a ride, on an emotional roller coaster.
Hockey on roller skates is like MMA in a bounce house: the elements are there, but the medium makes the whole thing ridiculous.
It's such a lonely existence, living with a rock n' roller. No matter how much he loves you, he will always love his music more.
I'm not typically a roller coaster person, but Space Mountain I really love out of all roller coasters. That and Splash Mountain.
I love roller coasters. I don't get a chance often, but I've gone to Magic Mountain and gone on the rides. I love roller coasters.
I wanted to play this part: the goofy rock and roller who can't hang up his guitar when it's clear to everyone else that he should.
I didn't want to be a rock and roller. I wanted to be a Bobby Darin because he was the epitome of the performer, the sophisticated.
I used to ice skate at parties when I was eight, but that was sort of the extent of roller skating, ice skating, that kind of sport.
Theater is the most challenging thing to do. It's just you out there with no rope. You can't call time out; you're on a roller coaster.
When I was younger, my mom worked at a roller rink, so I'd go all the time. I learned to skate pretty well. I won the limbo all the time.
We do spend time talking about it and we puzzle through it together. We ride the roller coasters together - the high highs and the low lows.
There's a roller coaster effect when you're playing good. Everything seems to go your way. But once you start playing bad, you're playing bad.
The 'science' behind hormone replacement therapy has put women on a medically engineered, press-fueled, big pharma funded roller coaster ride.
I just want to see what life's going to throw my way. So far, it's been very unexpected. I'm kinda on a roller coaster and want to enjoy that.
I was lucky enough as a kid to spend most of my weekends at the Fillmore East. On a great night, that was like a Holy Roller evangelical church.
I'm an adrenaline guy. I like to do stuff that gets my blood pumping, like roller coasters or jumping out of planes. I'm into all that crazy stuff.
I'm having a great time. It's like I'm on some ridiculous big roller coaster not knowing what's happening next, but just having a great time on the ride.
I love sporting events and popcorn and pizza and being outside, like at a baseball or football game. I love amusement parks, going to ride roller coasters.
Struggle teaches you a lot of things, and I am happy that I witnessed a roller coaster ride. The journey has improved me as a person and made me more mature.
I don't like roller coasters. I don't like bungee jumping. I don't like snow boarding really fast down the hill. I am not someone who is an adrenaline junkie.
Everybody loves a horror story because it's a roller coaster ride -you wait for the slow ride to the top then speed down with all the bumps, twists and turns.
I used to tour the theatres and clubs with an 18-foot luxury caravan strapped to the back of my Roller - it was a damn site more comfortable than most hotels.
I roller skated when I was younger, but when you're on a track that's slanted and you're with other people all skating in a pack, it's a whole different sport.
But each time I seemed to be climbing into a roller coaster and finding myself coming through the downhill run with that sort of dazed feeling that we all know.
The life of a startup is full of ups and downs, an emotional roller coaster ride that you can't quite imagine if you've spent your whole career in a corporation.
Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways.
Ultimately, a great thriller is a roller coaster ride. I like to think that's a promise I have never failed to keep, and one that I'd say has served my books well.
Emotional roller coasters tend to emphasize the lows, tend to be more affected by the low, by the dip in an emotional roller coaster than when you are at the peak.
I was an ambidextrous child, and the symmetry of roller skating was a welcome respite from my awkwardness with physical activities that involved a ball or a racket.
I think getting drunk is the key to flying comfortably. A couple of bloody marys or several glasses of champagne, and suddenly it's like you're on a roller coaster.
The first years of my life were spent in a roller disco in the early '80s called Flipper's. It was a real riotous, incredible time. I am slightly obsessed with the place.
The artist I wanna be like is Michael Jackson. I'll get the house with the roller coaster and the rides and a disco, and I'll invite all my friends and just stay at home.
Enthusiasm is not the same as just being excited. One gets excited about going on a roller coaster. One becomes enthusiastic about creating and building a roller coaster.
There was something about being in front of audiences when I was in elementary school plays that gave me a thrill. It was like the rush you get from a roller coaster drop.
Basketball would have been the natural sport to play, but it's a little too aggressive for me, so instead I dabbled in volleyball and some good old-fashioned Roller Derby.