If you don't own the stage, you shouldn't be in rock n' roll.

We didn't land on plymouth rock, Plymouth rock landed on us".

Anyone who's 71 years old would look ridiculous singing rock.

Love is a rock against the wind. Not soft like silk and lace.

The Rock is going to lay the smacketh down on your candy ass!

There's an edge to real rock 'n' roll. It's all that matters.

Elvis was rock'n'roll. He came from the poverty and the pain.

It's great to play a rock star. Maybe not so great to be one.

You don't have to be at rock bottom to take care of yourself.

That undercurrent of the forbidden was always a part of rock.

What makes the most money for this business? Dead rock stars.

Being on the road with rock, its pretty much 90 percent guys.

Rock n roll is for the young idiots, not an old fart like me.

You've got to be hard, like the rock in that old rock & roll.

I could see hunks of metal and rocks sticking out of my legs.

I think rock & roll has prepared me for a lot of flexibility.

I have no plans to rock myself to sleep in my bath chair yet.

I have always felt I was more accurately a Hard Rock musician.

I'm no less rock 'n' roll than anyone else, I'm pretty normal.

The secret to walkin´ on water is knowing where the rocks are.

Always someone resting there - a lone rock in the summer field

I'm old enough to know what music was like before rock & roll.

This week, I'm a gypsy. Maybe next week it'll be glitter rock.

When rock roll is done with that fervor, it's close to gospel.

It can be a bit frustrating to always get the soft-rock stamp.

Rock stars did not invent burning out. They just do it louder.

I was always concerned with making cool-sounding rock records.

I put Catholic guilt to work pretty good for a rich rock star.

I don't like old people on a rock and roll stage. Me included.

Heart has always been a rock band. It's always been hard-rock.

When it falls on your head, then you are knowing it is a rock.

It's gotta be rock and roll music, if you wanna dance with me.

I like to play video games like 'Rock Band' and 'Guitar Hero.'

Don't Be Cruel is the greatest rock 'n' roll record ever made.

I know I'm a pop star. But sometime I'd like to be a rock star.

Some days I pray to the God of sex and drums and rock and roll.

All rock musicians are deaf... Or insensitive to mellow sounds.

Soft rock music isn’t rock, and it ain’t music. It’s just soft.

I wanted to be a rich, famous rock-and-roll star in that order.

If it hadn't been for Jazz, there wouldn't be no rock and roll.

God gives us the ability, but rock 'n' roll was created by men.

There's enough music in the world. There are enough rock stars.

Hip-hop is rock & roll. What the hell is Wu-Tang but Motorhead?

Rock music is predictable, unless theres great talent involved.

My job description is that I'm a rock star. And I'm good at it.

I'm into rock'n'roll because rock'n'roll, to me, means freedom.

If people throw rocks at you, collect them and build something.

Leave no stone unturned in your quest to disrupt a rock garden.

The call of love sounds very hollow among these immobile rocks.

How does Macy Gray or Kid Rock not win over Christina Aguilera?

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