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I try to keep the music fresh in my head. And I don't always listen to rap; I listen to a little bit of everything: R&B, rock.
I don't have a computer. I'm going to wait until that whole fad is over. I was suckered in on the Pet Rock. Not twice, people.
There's a hell of a lot of freedom in this rock and roll circus... it's where all the freaks go - it's the environment for me.
I always wanted to be a rock star. That was my childhood dream. That's what I told everybody I was going to be when I grew up.
I think that Stevie Nicks is one of the greats. Steve Nicks and Grace Slick and Janis Joplin have the real rock voices, to me.
As a natural historian, I don't believe in the consciousness of rocks or the opinions of rainbows or the convictions of slugs.
I cursed myself not only for forgetting to turn my phone off but for ever thinking that having a rock music ringtone was cool.
When I'm panicked about my love handles, I go to the YMCA and get obsessed with Kid Rock videos as I'm on the running machine.
Rocks and waters, etc., are words of God, and so are men. We all flow from one fountain Soul. All are expressions of one Love.
It is a pity that instead of the Pilgrim Fathers landing on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock had not landed on the Pilgrim Fathers.
I have yet to do a job where I would really get to rock the great clothes. I'd love to do a job where I could wear Thom Browne.
Rock stars hawking Diet Cokes--are demons set loose on the Earth to lower the standards for the perfect & holy children of God!
Well all of Chuck's children are out there playing his licks, get into your kicks. Come back baby, rock and roll never forgets.
Once I went into songwriting, I figured I had to - I couldn't be a hellfire rock 'n' roller. But I could write hellfire lyrics.
Rock music is stronger than sports. That's why. Rock rules. Around the world, who's more famous: Willie Mays or Paul McCartney?
I think that instead of feminism being a political thing, it should be an act of creativity. It's more of a rock n' roll thing.
Pop music - what used to be known as rock music, a loud novelty - can be something more than a pointless, artificial diversion.
A mighty power and stronger Man from his throne has hurled,For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.
If there was no black man there would be no Rock'n'Roll. The beat, the rhythms of Africa are what created Rock'n'Roll and Jazz.
And then he'd tried to become an official Atheist and hadn't got the rock-hard self-satisfied strength of belief even for that.
Style has always been very important to us. We grew up in the '70s. Music was glam rock, punk rock and a very stylish movement.
I don't have any illusions anymore. The illusion that rock 'n' roll could change anything - I don't believe that. I've changed.
Big rocks are envy of little sands because little sands can travel with the winds. Every littleness has its own big advantages!
. . . rock and roll, as I see it, is the ultimate populist art form, democracy in action, because it's true: anybody can do it.
The stereotypical rock-star-trashing-a-hotel-room thing? Those days had passed by the time I was in a band big enough to do it.
The rolling stone rolls echoing from rock to rock; but the rolling stone is dead. The moss is silent because the moss is alive.
Every drunken skipper trusts to Providence. But one of the ways of Providence with drunken skippers is to run them on the rocks.
When I was in college in Philly, there was a lot of post-punks hardcore like, rock. Sixties, retro, proto-Strokes kind of bands.
When you're a touring musician, you're always turning over new rocks and there's always a certain level of tension in your life.
I didn't read this book--I inhaled it. This a terrific new take on a great old rock n roll story, a clash of the musical titans.
Rock stars get room keys, I get business cards. Wherever I go I meet innovators of wind power equipment, solar energy operators.
You know, when most girls say they want a big rock, they don't mean, you know, literally a big rock. -Clary Fray to Jace Wayland
There is very little genuine rock and roll out there at the moment - but Steve Conte has hit the nail on the head with this one!
I take smack because I enjoy it. I enjoy all it makes me feel. I don't do it to be in with the in crowd. I can rock out with it.
I have had twenty years of perfect companionship with a man among men. He is a rock and a protection. I have never regretted it.
I've seen rock stars agonize over the fact that another artist has far more Facebook 'likes' and Twitter followers than they do.
I am always the Baywatch girl at heart. The rock 'n' roll got harder and softer but I wouldn't give up those times for anything.
Meanwhile, politics is about getting a candidate in front of the public as a star, politics as rock'n'roll, politics as a movie.
I use rock and jazz and blues rhythms because I love that music. I hope my poetry has a relationship with good-time rock'n roll.
I like the rock documentaries that make it seem real. Some rock documentaries are meant to make the bands look larger than life.
These people marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education and now we've got these knuckleheads walking round.
We cannot live as Christians separate from the rock who is Christ. He gives us strength and stability, but also joy and serenity.
There's no new direction. It's not more poppy or more rocky. They're just rock'n'roll tunes. I'll never change the music I write.
This country to-day [is] the last stronghold of freedom, standing like a rock in a tide that is threatened to submerge the world.
Every so often, I feel I should graduate to classical music, properly. But the truth is, I'm more likely to listen to rock music.
I knew the words to 25 rock songs, so I got in the group. Long Tall Sally and Tutti-Frutti, that got me in. That was my audition.
When I was 16, at night I went to my high school and chucked rocks at the billboard sign and broke the light bulbs. That was fun.
If there is any justice in the world, then eighties rock will never again serve to blight humanity as it did in that dark decade!
Rock and roll is about having a good time, so no matter where you are right now blast some music and forget about lifes problems.
I think a lot of ladies get quite scared about people like me, 'rock stars', and it can be hard to meet the right sort of person.