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I'm not a rock singer and I don't want to be a rock singer. I'm not interested. It doesn't seem to get across.
What changed our lives forever was when Malcolm had the idea to sell rock 'n roll records to trendy customers.
Groundhog Day is a lot like a rock concert but the people are better behaved and there's a groundhog involved.
You don't have to be a rock star - if you don't like the situation you're in, you don't have to settle for it.
In the broad spectrum of the arts, two worlds rarely overlap - the literary world and the world of rock music.
A baroque art-rock bubblegum broadcast on a frequency understood only by female teenagers and bred field mice.
I have had success throughout the years. Some of the hard rock bands today don't have the history that I have.
all history shows that the hand that cradles the rock has ruled the world, not the hand that rocks the cradle!
The great thing about rock-n-roll is you realize the top of the mountain is big enough for more than one band.
It is incredible to me that my Twitter feed is a source of 'news' for every rock news outlet around the world.
Some sessions are stars and some sessions are stones, but in the end they are all rocks and we build upon them.
The Highways of America are built chiefly of politics, whereas the proper material is crushed rock or concrete.
People ask all the time, 'What would you be doing if you weren't Kid Rock?' It's simple: I'd be broke Kid Rock.
You can never deny the immense talent, rock credibility and iconic historical contribution that Van Halen made.
I was more influenced by players like Randy Rhoads and Eddie Van Halen than by the guys in southern rock bands.
Whether it's the pot that hits the rock or the rock that hits the pot , it's the pot that will break every time
I just wanna thank all those amazing Internet bloggers out there that hate me day-to-day. I love you! You rock!
A missive to all you metal bands, the world is totally over the rock thing. Rock is deader than it's ever been.
In pop music, you say, 'You can do what you want to me.' Rock 'n' roll says, 'I'm gonna do what I want to you.'
I just don't think we think about jurists as rock stars or great thinkers, particularly in the political world.
Father, perfect my trust;Let my spirit feel in death,That her feet are firmly setOn the rock of a living faith!
Sex, drugs, and rock and roll is all my brain and body need. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll is very good indeed.
There is no pleasing New Englanders, my dear, their soil is all rocks and their hearts are bloodless absolutes.
I've been to Australia a couple of times, but never to the north or the centre. I would love to see Ayers Rock.
I'm pretty optimistic about the future of rock... it will be back to composition as in classical music or jazz.
You have to be talented and you have to be lucky. Record companies are not signing classic rock groups anymore.
What I see in a lot of music movies, or rock 'n' roll movies, that feature a band is that they're lip-synching.
Any time you play your horn, it helps you. If you get down, you can help yourself even in a rock 'n' roll band.
Pop music often tells you everything is OK, while rock music tells you that it's not OK, but you can change it.
Bruce Springsteen's a rock star. Elton John is a rock star. I'm a folk musician. Honestly, I think that's true.
From now on you're going to have to think. There's a reason why we're born with brains in our heads, not rocks.
The ability for a woman to orally satisfy somebody in a rock band, that's important to a rock 'n' roll musician.
This is my own little rock theory: In my mind, Nirvana slayed the hair bands. They shot the top off the poodles.
I identify with someone wanting something to work out, but not being able to get through the rocks to the river.
I can't really dress rock 'n' roll any more because I'm the wrong side of 40, but I want that to be the fashion.
Milton, Madam, was a genius that could cut a Colossus from a rock; but could not carve heads upon cherry-stones.
A woman's love, like lichens upon a rock, will still grow where even charity can find no soil to nurture itself.
This is still a young man's game, so we have to stay young. Music allows you to do that, especially rock'n'roll.
There would be no rock and roll or rhythm and blues without Leo Fenders' contribution ... the tone is everything
Rock n Roll Animal, the live album, is one of the greatest live albums out there. It was a huge influence on me.
Nikki Lamborn has the best female rock voice since Janis Joplin and I know what I’m talking about, I knew Janis.
Everyone cleaves to the doctrine he has happened upon, as to a rock against which he has been thrown by tempest.
The Bible talks about building houses on sand and rock, but says nothing about a brick house built on a blanket.
Tracy: Stop eating people's old french fries, little pigeon. Have some self-respect. Don't you know you can fly?
I've been meaning to write about the Rolling Stones, but I am the furthest thing from a hipster rock journalist.
I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died. If I never loved I never would have cried...I am a rock.
I swam. We made it, our team, from the rocks of Cuba to the beach of Florida, in squeaky-clean, ethical fashion.
Being in a rock band, I feel a certain responsibility to have a weird haircut. I mean, who else gets to do that?
The pious ones of Plymouth who, reaching the Rock, first fell upon their own knees and then upon the aborigines.
I grew up in the 1950s at the beginning of rock n' roll, and would strum a tennis racket in front of the mirror.