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Well, The Rock says this, you should be concerned with fixing yourself a nice, tall glass of shut-up juice!
Tony Iommi - the undisputed king of demonic heavy rock riffs. In this area, no one had never surpassed him.
I listen to crazy, robust rock music where they sing their faces off, and soul music, which can be similar.
There is absolutely no doubt that the extraordinary Donna Summer belongs in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
I love things that are very broad. I love alternative, rock, hip hop, rap, and I'll go to classical or jazz.
In a lot of ways I think food is starting to take the place in culture that rock and roll took 30 years ago.
But beauty is set apart, beauty is cast by the sea, a barren rock, beauty is set about with wrecks of ships.
Anyone who tells you they got into rock'n'roll for reasons other than girls, fame and money is full of s***.
I've never supported this concept of going after Napster. I think the rock bands who fought this were wrong.
For me, Jesus is my cleft in the rock. He is my safest friend, my safe totally loving accepting big brother.
In 1996, I was in was in an acoustic kind of rock band, we were called Feeble. We were just playing locally.
O Death, rock me asleep, bring me to quiet rest, let pass my weary guiltless ghost out of my careful breast.
Thank you for the music, Sleater-Kinney. This gang of three was the best American punk rock band ever. Ever.
I despise people who go to the gutter on either the right or the left and hurl rocks at those in the center.
People told me I can't dress like a fairy. I say, I'm in a rock band and I cand do whatever the hell I want!
That's what rock music is, I think - constantly searching for authenticity, and being as honest as possible.
If you're in music just to become a big, fat rock star, then I probably don't like your music to begin with.
I think my chances of ever making it into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame are about as good as Milli Vanilli’s.
A victory? What have we won? We've won a rock in the middle of a wasteland, on the shores of a poisoned sea.
Latin music has many international influences - pop, rock, country, Brazilian sounds, and alternative styles.
Rock 'n Roll: The most brutal, ugly, desperate, vicious form of expression it has been my misfortune to hear.
I think it's important that all 50 years of rock 'n' roll live in the same place, because it's all connected.
Queen and Bon Jovi, Aerosmith and Guns N' Roses - I had a huge rock-band mania. I play a little bit of drums.
I love to rock, but it's liberating not to always have to keep up with the freight train that is the Old 97's
Mick Jagger can't even make a successful solo album, and the Stones are the biggest rock group that ever was.
The interior of Mexico consists of a mass of volcanic rocks, thrust up to a great height above the sea-level.
I became producer so that I could work with persons like him and to rock the world of Hong Kong Cinema a bit.
There is that might-have-been which is the single rock we cling to above the maelstrom of unbearable reality.
A well-rounded performer will listen to all kinds of music. I like classical, Middle Eastern, and rock a lot.
You go see 'Timothy Green,' and tell me if it doesn't rock your world. I loved it. I loved every frame of it.
There's room in the world for one historical folk-rock singer to make a decent living, and I happen to be it.
The right way usually lies between two extremes: it is the narrow channel between the rock and the whirlpool.
It's sort of what jazz would be if it stopped being snobby and what rock would be if it stopped being stupid.
I have never been accepted. I'll never make the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They're never going to let me in.
Being able to fantasize for a couple of days at being a rock singer surpassed most things I've done on stage.
If you want to put your rock 'n' roll into mythology, [A Period of Transition] is from the Daddy Cool school.
Unless you are actually a ninja, a guru, or a rock star, don't ever use any of those terms in your bio. Ever.
I'm actually in my 22-year-old son Jason's band, After Midnight Project. The music is like Coldplay-ish rock.
The way I see it, rock & roll is folk music. Street music. It isn't taught in school. It has to be picked up.
There was a rock in front of my hut, a tall, gray rock. By its looks it seemed to be well-disposed toward me.
The only way I can describe the extent of my anxiety is to say that I felt as if I were pregnant with a rock.
I'm not really into vinyl. There's something about that raw, birth of rock and roll feel that makes me crazy.
The fact that you can't base a coffeehouse on any other rock band is the other rock bands' problem, not mine.
Everything's immediately diminished. That's why there's no real rock stars anymore. People are too accessible.
You find yourself in the world, without any power, immovable as a rock, stupid, so to speak, as a log of wood.
I did like hanging out with all the rock'n'roll boys - it was fun but all those relationships didn't work out.
I had no idea 'The Hunger Games' was so big. I didn't even know the book. I had been living under my own rock.
If Music is a Place -- then Jazz is the City, Folk is the Wilderness, Rock is the Road, Classical is a Temple.
I don't know if rock is dying. I wouldn't want to say that, but the world does change. Nothing stays the same.
I know I'm in the band and everything but sometimes I just have to rock out to the John Frusciante Experience.