I thought everybody got into rock 'n' roll because they didn't want to follow instructions.

Our children are the rock on which our future will be built, our greatest asset as a nation

Now they have banging guitar and no bass and call it rock, but that's not what I call rock.

My boyfriend says I dress like a rock star but I would say my style is hip and comfortable.

My mom used to send me articles about how older virgins are considered good luck in Mexico.

The popularity of punk rock was, in effect, due to the fact that it made ugliness beautiful.

There will always be rock stars, but I don't know how much depth and longevity they'll have.

I had this thing about hanging out in dark theaters. My family thought I grew out of a rock.

Even marginal progress could be affected by investigations in Little Rock and in Washington.

Just when you think you've hit rock bottom, you realize you're standing on another trapdoor.

T-shirt and jeans style now is where I'm at. Maybe a little rock 'n' roll T-shirt and jeans.

I love all the '90s kind of grunge, and I love classic rock: That's where the spectrum lies.

I wanted to make an image for myself as an outlaw type. A kind of rock 'n' roll sensibility.

The problem is we moved to LA... The only way to be punk rock in L.A. is to be a Republican.

Consummate talent and relentless passion - The Truth ain't pretty...but it rocks like crazy!

My ma says a rock lasts forever, but people don’t, and that’s what makes them more precious.

We'll rock till we drop. We have all agreed this won't be the last time. Everyone's rocking.

Thus another friendship was dashed on the cruel rocks amid the storm of my self-destruction.

I can't tell you what I had for breakfast, but I can sing every single word of rock and roll

my hands dead my heart dead silence adagio of rocks the world ablaze that's the best for me.

But my everyday music is classic rock. It’s what I relate to the most and where my heart is.

In Ireland, it's been like U2 and The Cranberries, which is rock, but you know they're Irish.

I am always looking for a cool tee shirt; maybe one with a rock band or an old advertisement.

Rock and roll is a contact sport. I enjoy playing the tunes that really get the people going.

I come equipped with stereophonic funk producin´ disco inducin´ twin magnetic rock receptors.

I wasn't in a lot of rock and roll bands. I was in jug bands and things when I was in school.

Rock music is electronic music, dependent entirely on electronic circuitry and amplification.

There's no way that if you get participation out of a person can they say you didn't rock it.

I love classic rock, rock and roll, that's the top notch. I love soul - bluesy music as well.

The period right before punk rock where people like Lou Reed and Iggy Pop were really strong.

There were incredibly few rock songs making it out to the airwaves until the '80s came along.

Detroit was kind of a random thing where it was like a chance to be in a rock 'n' roll movie.

Used to rock a throwback ballin on the corner, now I rock tailored suit lookin' like a owner.

Mankind was not meant to suffer -- bliss is our nature. The individual is cosmic. Let's rock.

I'm thinking of putting together an all-star band. I definitely have a bit of a rock fantasy.

It is easy for me to go play a rock show, I have been doing that all my life and I love that.

The bands that wrote the big, heroic rock songs - I really wanted to make a record like that.

It's so glamorous, you have to see it." (describing the $92 million Rock & Roll Hall of Fame)

Switzerland is simply a large, lumpy, solid rock with a thin skin of grass stretched over it.

We're not going to be the coolest rock stars in the world. We're trying to be good musicians.

As with other phases of nature, I have probably loved the rocks more than I have studied them.

The punk-rock ethos was "Do it yourself. Anyone can do this. We're not sent from the heavens."

When my friends were besotted with Jason Donovan, my heroes were Colm O'Rourke and Barney Rock

Biggest lesson I've ever had in life is that blues had a baby and they named it rock 'n' roll.

Philosophy, having crept clinging to the rocks so far, puts out its feelers many ways in vain.

Stand through life firm as a rock in the sea, undisturbed and unmoved by its ever-rising waves

I think hip-hop has more to do with rock and roll. Kanye West is, in many ways, a rock artist.

One thing about Texas people, they're very passionate about their Rock N' Roll, and I love it.

I wake up every day trying to give something back to you that you can rock to and be proud of.

Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you will discover He is the Rock at the bottom.

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