Now the old boy may be barely breathing, but the heart of rock and roll is still beating.

Just because she's leaving, don't start believing, that your rock and roll days are gone.

To fill the shoes of rock 'n' roll, because of the family I have, is a really hard thing.

You either live under a rock or you walk in the sunshine. That’s pretty much how it goes.

I have friends from rock stars to Rastas; I don't even know what an unexpected friend is.

We're stunned by the diversity of rocks. This stuff looks like it was put into a blender.

It's definitely an influence, I mean how can you not say you are influenced to play rock.

You know, you've got to be careful with how you educate your kids in rock'n'roll fashion.

The She Rocks Awards does so much for women in music, and I'm excited to be a part of it.

I have a real problem with rock music because it seems that lineage doesn't really exist.

I think punk rock, especially for me, was a big middle finger to this whole talent thing.

I would pale in comparison to rock and rollers with my haircut. I would be a lightweight.

Business people have been made into these rock stars because they've made a lot of money.

The early Billy Joel stuff I fell in love with, like Glass Houses, is a real rock record.

This is not a rock opera. This is not Tommy. I can write songs that emote, and that's it.

It was unbelievable. She was standing there, staring at him like he was a real rock star.

Vacation: Two weeks on the sunny sands - and the rest of the year on the financial rocks.

The most exciting rock 'n' roll band of the last 50 years who are still on the road today

E'en the rough rocks with tender myrtle bloom, and trodden weeds send out a rich perfume.

Don't turn over the rocks if you don't want to see the pale creatures who live under them.

You can drink out of Lincoln's nose. They got the Hard Rock t-shirts. They got Elvis, too.

As far as guys who perform onstage, I love Chris Rock. I'm kind of jaded on everyone else.

As solid rock remains unmoved by the wind, so the wise remain unmoved by blame and praise.

Adam & Eve. The serpent cracked the mirror in a thousand pieces, & the apple was his rock.

It's better for me to play with guys because Rock 'n' Roll has such an aggressive attitude

My casting in 'Uncle On The Rocks' is like Rajpal Yadav being cast as Shahenshah or Akbar.

Scarce can I speak, my choler is so great. Oh! I could hew up rocks, and fight with flint.

In England, rock music very rarely infiltrates the charts, but country music even less so.

When Jack Benny has a party, you not only bring your own scotch, you bring your own rocks.

Spring hangs her infant blossoms on the trees, Rock'd in the cradle of the western breeze.

Rock and roll doesn't allow you to grow up - especially if you're not trying very hard to.

A fashion plate, a rock star in his own mind, Megamind is more showman than deadly menace.

I'm not really a fan of, like, rock stars, movie stars, people like that. I like politics.

I just can't stand jazz/rock. I think it's the worst thing that's come down the river yet.

That's what Tina Turner did, too - sang blues up-tempo - and they called it rock 'n' roll.

The rock and roll business is pretty absurd, but the world of serious music is much worse.

Australia is so entrenched in rock'n'roll and bands, and that's just the way Australia is.

The whole point of the punk-rock thing was that "We're not special. We just have a voice."

I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.

Then sculpture and her sister arts revived; stones leaped to form, and rocks began to live.

I love pop music just as much as I like rap music, or ill-ass hip-hop music, or rock music.

I try to make my music have the quiet spaces of folk, the intimacy, and the energy of rock. always glad to touch the living rock again and dip my hand in the high mountain air.

Any other foundation will fail, but Christ is a sure and steady rock to build your life on.

'Call Me' is not an exceptional Al Green album, but it is as solid as a rock at its center.

I've been recording myself since grade 10. Back then, it was just really crappy rock stuff.

Stand as a rock; you are indestructible. You are the Self (atman), the God of the universe.

The record companies are interested in the kind of sales they can get from the rock groups.

I always loved rock guitar. I just never put it together that that's what I'd end up doing.

I believe that the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin are two of the greatest rock bands ever!

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