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If you act like the river, you ultimately flow past all the rocks along the way.
I grew up in a religious family, and we weren't allowed to listen to rock music.
I hate most of what constitutes rock music, which is basically middle-aged crap.
Rock and Roll is simply an attitude. You don't have to play the greatest guitar.
Everyone talks about rock these days; the problem is they forget about the roll.
Stick your head above the crowd and eventually somebody will throw a rock at it.
Rock'n'roll to me is a rebellion against the sterile pedestal culture of movies.
We're the McDonalds of rock. Were always there to satisfy, and a billion served.
She kept swimming out into life because she hadn't yet found a rock to stand on.
I'm not afraid of heights. I rock climb. I can repel off the side of a building.
Everyone knows rock n' roll attained perfection in 1974. It's a scientific fact.
An idea in the head is like a rock in the shoe; I just can't wait to get it out.
Women and God are the two rocks on which a man must either anchor or be wrecked.
I'm a big fan of '30 Rock,' which I think is the most genius show on television.
If you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'.
Punk rock is very rebellious, of course, but it also means thinking for yourself.
Thankfully I have an ecosystem of in-laws, parents and husband, who are my rocks.
I was never interested in being a rock star. I always wanted to be Boris Karloff.
I'm just a guitarist in a kick-ass rock and roll band. What more could I ask for?
But I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name.
Poverty sits by the cradle of all our great men and rocks all of them to manhood.
Rock & roll is not so much a question of electric guitars as it is striped pants.
In rock & roll heaven, there ARE drum solos, but only the drummers can hear them.
The blues are real important. It's where most of the hard rock n' roll came from.
Honest, I listen to classical mostly. It keeps my mind fresh to write rock songs.
It was harder to break into comics than it was to become a singer in a rock band.
When punk rock came along, the one thing you were not supposed to be was musical.
I thought I heard the dark pounding its head On a rock, crying: Who are the dead?
In golf I am one under; one under a tree, one under a rock, and one under a bush.
Basically I was no different than a rock star or a movie star. I was a coke star.
Love on the rocks, ain't no surprise. Pour me a drink and I'll tell you some lies.
Dick Clark really didn't make rock 'n roll safe for America, as many people think.
If you really want to annoy me, ask me when I'm going to retire from rock n' roll.
Nonviolence is the rock on which the whole structure of non-co-operation is built.
For me the top music though has to be Rock or Hip Hop and artists like Kanye West.
I have always maintained that Iggy Pop is the Heavyweight Champion of Rock & Roll.
The purpose of rock n' roll is to convince girls to pay money to get close to you.
Sexy, to me, is the way you carry what you have. I have a big nose, but I rock it.
Back in Chicago, all we cared about was rock 'n' roll and staying out of the army.
I know my ambitions are big, but you've got to have something after rock and roll.
There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva.
My marriage is on the rocks again, yeah, my wife just broke up with her boyfriend.
Poetry is a fossil rock-print of a fin and a wing, with an illegible oath between.
I actually don't go to shows anymore. Rock concerts have lost their appeal for me.
Who's got two thumbs, speaks limited French and hasn't cried once today? This moi.
There ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party 'cause a Liz Lemon party is mandatory!
I always wrote like rock 'n' roll. And I always listen to rock 'n' roll as poetry.
Rock and Roll has no beginning and no end for it is the very pulse of life itself.
Music has charms to sooth a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.
I'm 190 pounds of rock hard muscle, underneath 40 pounds of sturdy protective fat.