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Ricky Nelson... I couldn't believe it when he died. He was a great rock star.
I love rocks with the unconditional love that you lavish upon a newborn baby.
My father did not rock. He just earned and hated. Don't end up like this man.
What we sometimes consider a stumbling block is rather a rock we can step on.
Rock bottom can be a solid foundation from which you can rebuild your life on.
Random political acts produce random political results. Why waste even a rock?
No rock so hard but that a little wave may beat admission in a thousand years.
In the American Southwest, I began a lifelong love affair with a pile of rock.
I didn't know if Skynyrd fans were going to throw rocks at me or eggs or what.
Energy is so important. If you don't have it, don't bother with rock and roll.
Prince Charming can go suck rocks. I've met my true love and he's a contractor
Chris Rock does the political thing really well, but that never worked for me.
The first thing I ever heard about synthesizers, they were being used in rock.
Among the thousand white persons, I am a dark rock surged upon, and overswept.
Honestly I just wear what I like. You know why? 'Cause I can, I'm a rock star.
Is god omnipotent ? If he is, can he create a rock so heavy he can't lift it ?
I guess my main influences are Jesus, rock n roll and ex-wives. In that order.
I would definitely say the Oakland Raiders are the punk rock band of football.
I organized Sweet Honey In The Rock in 1973. The music was sanity and balance.
I like the comfort in knowing that women are the only future in rock and roll.
Boys were a very essential part of rock & roll. The girls were more onlookers.
I don't think punk ever really dies, because punk rock attitude can never die.
I have no intention of dying young and being some stinking rock'n'roll person.
I don't want to see old people doing rap or rock and roll. It makes me cringe.
You can't kill rock and roll without a silver bullet because she's a werewolf.
Rock stars wanting to write is even worse than wanting to act in movies, right?
I've been collecting rocks since I was 8 and have over 200 different specimens.
You can do some serious subway flirting before you realize the guy is homeless.
The knowledge from an enlightened person breaks on the hard rocks of ignorance.
Wanting to be a rock star, I get it. I'm like, 'Oh, my God, dude! The freedom!'
Standing Rock is a moment in history. We really have to grab it and go with it.
Some of the best rock shows I ever saw were those appealing to all your senses.
Keep in mind, when you hit rock bottom, there ain't nowhere to go but up, baby.
Glitter is cool because that's like glam rock, but rhinestones need to die out.
There was rock and roll across the dial, when I think of her it makes me smile.
Rock music is, is a necessary evil, like beating my children with penny loafers
Kids threw rocks at me, told me I was ugly and left death threats in my locker.
The risks are 'How country can you go?' rather than 'How rock can you take it?'
All self-effort is but sinking sand. Christ alone is the Rock of our salvation.
A wise person is like a smoothly polished rock: it takes time to become either.
How difficult it is to save the bark of reputation from the rocks of ignorance.
In a world of constant change, God alone is the Rock upon which to build a life.
I was a sort of rock journalist - whatever that is - in London in the late '60s.
Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.
The problem isn’t with rock lyrics, it’s with the fabric of this society itself.
Life leaps like a geyser for those willing to drill through the rock of inertia.
The rocks will melt with the sun before tuition fees are introduced in Scotland.
It's hard being a rock; they have such a strange sense of time - and priorities.
I got into rock and roll to piss my parents off and the establishment around me.
When the fad changed from folk to rock, they didn't take along any good writers.