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Being in a rock n' roll and pop world, it's very easy to act like a kid.
Stand up like a mountain; have faith like a rock; love like an avalanche
No matter what happens in the future, rock and roll will save the world.
I am the American heartbreak- The rock on which Freedom Stumped its toe.
I believe rock can do anything, it's the ultimate vehicle for everything
I got rid of all my Colin Firth movies in case they consider it erotica.
I don't want to ever be a quote-unquote rock star. I want to just be me.
Rock and Roll's got to be like Jack Daniels. You've got to feel it burn.
I'm starting to feel like so much of rock music is derivative and boring.
I might even end up a rock and roll god, it might turn into a steady job.
Come one, come all! this rock shall fly From its firm base, as soon as I.
Secretly, or maybe not so secretly, I've always wanted to be a rock star.
I'm no expert, Rock, but I don't think I have any poontang...to give you.
It's not some great work of beauty and love to be a rock-and-roll singer.
My encyclopedic knowledge of rock and roll is a millstone around my neck.
I've gotten punched in the face before by Cena. His hands are like rocks.
Compared to what they were, rock concerts now are like business meetings.
I live in a neighborhood so bad that you can get shot while getting shot.
I don't have a rock voice. I have to force it. I am like an opera singer.
Being a rock widow is not my job, so I would hire people to do it for me.
I know your mama she don't like me, cause I play in a rock and roll band.
It is ok if you talk to a rock, but it is not ok if you expect any reply!
Aerosmith's 'Rocks' is on the list of my top favorite albums of all time.
Where there is young people and vitality, you're going to find punk rock.
What would rock and roll be without ambition, craziness, danger, and fun?
Maybe people are finally tiring of watered down grunge rock on the radio.
The days of an open mic night when I'd rock up in an old jumper are over.
Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll is easy. True christianity…that's rebellion.
The Internet links me to friends and family around the world. Skype rocks!
Will be but corpses dressed in frocks, who cannot speak to birds or rocks.
Hatred is the ballast of the rock which lies upon our necks and underfoot.
The King is dead, rock is done. You might be through, but I've just begun.
Every man with his own peculiar vice. His will hardly rock heaven or hell.
Folk-rock hasn't changed much over the decades since the Byrds started it.
For me, the best rock is not what you play - it's what you're not playing.
Kill Rock Stars allowed me to put out a real genuine rock 'n' roll record.
We need to stop saying we can't rock this boat when it needs to be rocked.
It was the era of Tab Hunter and Rock Hudson; they all had a certain look.
Rock and roll is a misconception. It should no longer be a term for music.
I was 12 in '55 when rock and roll hit. It just completely transformed me.
Like a rock, standing arrow straight. Like a rock, charging from the gate.
What we feel most comfortable doing is playing loud, screaming rock songs.
Paint me the bold anfractuous rocks Faced by the snarled and yelping seas.
You wanna know my occupation? I get paid to rock the nation. I go to work.
If you want to do rock and roll, forget about those who've come after '65.
I wanted to be a rock star when I grew up, or at least a singer/songwriter.
Being in a rock band for 20 years is not the best resume for anything else.
A lot of kids bought guitars and started playing rock'n'roll because of us.
I have to get inspired by something that touches my soul, or rocks my soul.
Rock is young music, it is youth oriented. It just speaks for a generation.