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For years I was a rock climber and nothing else. I went to school, yes, and university, yes, but in my heart I was a rock climber.
But somehow I feel the world is taking me away from my original rock roots of inspiration. Rock and roll is losing its past glory.
The misunderstanding out there is that we are a 'hard rock' band or a 'heavy metal' band. We've only ever been a rock n' roll band.
The movie Spinal Tap rocked my world. It's for rock what The Sound of Music was for hills. They really nailed how dumb rock can be.
When you are a rock star in front of 20,000 people, you receive instant gratification. A rock star on tour is a king in his domain.
My mom loved rock n' roll. My father hated it. We couldn't play it when he was around. He liked classical music and Duke Ellington.
You can't just be a rock star by rehashing things you've seen or done before. Bring something new, which is what hip-hop does best.
It was a source of shame for my family that I was in rock and roll, which is so blue-collar. It just isn't done. And I felt it, too.
If I did one thing, I made cooking rock n' roll: I made it sexy. I made young kids from rich backgrounds want to come into my world.
I never fit in with straight country. I never really fit in with rock n' roll. I've always been somewhere in between all this stuff.
The old-timers schooled me good. They brainwashed me to respect music, whether we were playing rockabilly or blues or rock and roll.
Comedians get jokes offered to them, rock stars get women and underwear thrown onstage, and I get guys that want to take me fishing.
We have a saying in my house, my kids and my girlfriend. We say, 'Be your best for the greater good, and rock out wherever you are.'
If you want break it down, rock and roll is about saying what you can't say in normal life to girls, so you have to say it in songs.
Hard rock for me is AC/DC, Def Leppard, Tesla, Kiss. Metal tends to be louder, ruder, darker, like Judas Priest, Slayer, Iron Maiden.
I started out as a drummer, and now play with a back-to-basics rock band called the 'Luddites.' I'm happiest when I'm behind the kit.
The suit does not represent the businessman anymore. Nor does the loud shirt represent the rock star. The same man can now wear both.
What rock n' roll was supposed to be about was getting loose, enjoying it, going a little crazy, and not caring how you act or dress.
People like to compare something to something that they know. Even with Chris Rock, they say he's like Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy.
I hate the word gothic but I would like to try doing something like that. A gothic sound, not rock, but gothic. There's a difference.
Deep Purple is a damn good band and we've made a niche in rock 'n' roll history. Maybe not a huge one but enough to be very proud of.
An MC is somebody who can control the crowd. An MC is a master of ceremonies so not only can you say your rap, you can rock the party.
I was exposed to many kinds of music including rock and disco, classical and folk, Midtown and Miles Davis, Sly Stone and David Bowie.
Everybody can rock a bikini, swimsuit, unicorn onesie... whatever floats your boat. If you wear it with confidence, you will look hot.
If you don't know the blues... there's no point in picking up the guitar and playing rock and roll or any other form of popular music.
I just did what I loved - flowers and rock n' roll. Pretty and punk. I was largely inspired by my dancing school classes and costumes.
To drive a car in rural America is freedom. Before I had a car, I'd never seen a rock and roll show, I'd never seen a comic or a show.
I was extreme... from skateboarder to hip-hopper to rave child to lead singer of a rock band - I did it all, and all at the same time.
The rock star stuff never came up for us. The Band was never attacked by groupies before, during or after any show that we ever played.
Phil Rudd from AC/DC was someone I really liked a lot... Not because I was dazzled by his playing ability - he was just a rock, y'know?
The thing I find frustrating about rock music is, how different can you make an acoustic drum kit sound, an electric guitar and vocals?
Sports is like rock 'n' roll. Both are dominant cultural forces, both speak an international language, and both are all about emotions.
Growing up in the suburbs, I used to listen to punk rock, Brand New, Taking Back Sunday. And no one from my high school listened to it.
My mom passed away a day before high school started, and her dream was for me to be a full rock and roll guy, and play drums in a band.
If you truly dig what you are doing, if you lay it out that way, nobody can not respond. That's what rock and roll is; it's relentless.
I build on Christ, the rock of ages; on his sure mercies described in his word, and on his promises, all which I know are yea and amen.
There's nothing you can really do to prepare to rock. Do you prepare to eat a delicious meal? Are you hungry? Then you're gonna eat it.
I'm actually sometimes nervous right before a performance, but as soon as I'm on the stage I'm like, 'okay, we're gonna rock this baby.'
I always looked up to Slash from Guns N' Roses, and I always pictured myself being a rock star and playing the guitar, just going crazy.
My favourite 'stage' of Shakira was the brunette punk rock one, but she'll always have a special place in my heart, whatever she's doing.
My existence is about making movies, so I've just got to rock and roll with the punches. You want to make movies on telephones, I'm there.
Punk rock and straight edge will always be married together. As far as me integrating that with wrestling, I learned a lot from punk rock.
Not everybody is going to be John Cena. Not everybody is going to be The Rock. You need to be what you can be and contribute like you can.
I'm not trying to overcome my father or fill his shoes or reach any kind of level that he did. We're talking about a Mozart of rock music.
I just like heavy music in general - from heavy rock and heavy metal and heavy rap and heavy everything. I've always been attracted to it.
I think what The Rock has been able to accomplish has been amazing. He has just done a phenomenal job in all of the movies he has been in.
There are times when what's happening in rock is the best music in the world, and there are times when there is nothing worthwhile at all.
I do enjoy Dennis Miller, I do enjoy Chris Rock when they do their political humor, but it's never been my goal... I love relatable humor.
To me, punk rock is the freedom to create, freedom to be successful, freedom to not be successful, freedom to be who you are. It's freedom.
I'm very moved by Renaissance music, but I still love to play hard rock - though only if it's sophisticated and has some thought behind it.