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Being a rock star isn't all it's cracked up to be, let me tell you.
In high school I wanted to be a rock star and was in a lot of bands.
I just want to be an inspiration. I'm a rock star, I'm Future Hendrix.
I don't have any rock star demeanor to me. I just can't pull that off.
I never set out to be a rock star, I set out to be a working musician.
More than accepted, it's encouraged for rock stars to be out of control.
From that first wage case in 1958, I had, pretty much, rock star status.
Secretly, or maybe not so secretly, I've always wanted to be a rock star.
I grew up on Raffi. That was my first impression of what a rock star was.
I wanted to be a rock star when I grew up, or at least a singer/songwriter.
I like to look cool and dress nice. Lil Uzi is a rock star. Just know that.
I grew up around '90s, 2000s R&B, which is my favorite. But I'm a rock star.
I feel if football doesn't work out for me, I can always become a rock star.
If I could go back, I think I would be a rock star instead of an actor, man.
Ricky Nelson... I couldn't believe it when he died. He was a great rock star.
Honestly I just wear what I like. You know why? 'Cause I can, I'm a rock star.
Wanting to be a rock star, I get it. I'm like, 'Oh, my God, dude! The freedom!'
In my next life, I'm going to be a rock star. I was a ballerina in my last life.
I was never interested in being a rock star. I always wanted to be Boris Karloff.
I didn't have any great talent. I didn't want to become a rock star or an author.
Don't hide in the dark and let someone else make your boss look like a rock star.
I think a lot of people secretly wish they were a rock star, and I'm no exception.
There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva.
I'm quite a nurturing person, and I'm more a mom than a crazy, partying rock star.
I'd love to play a rock star in a movie, but for now, I'm not performing in public.
In my view, the only thing worse than a rock star is a rock star with a conscience.
I did not want to get involved with a rock star. No way. It is not a sane thing to do.
If 'Emotions in Motion' comes out right, I can write the book on the formula rock star.
I'm in a band, and we play music. And that's sort of my way of still being a rock star.
I do live like a rock star, but it's not as great as it sounds. It's a lot of traveling.
Achilles was like a rock star of his day so it made sense to have Brad Pitt playing him.
I never wanted to be a performer, I never wanted to be Yo Yo Honey Singh, the rock star.
Joel? He's the rock star! When you see Joel step on stage... he's born to be a rock star.
I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.
Being a rock star is like being a cult leader - you really have to be in your own religion.
I don't always feel fierce and fearless, but I do feel like I'm a rock star at being human.
I thought TV fame was hip... well, that was because I hadn't experienced rock star fame yet.
When I left Baltimore, I told everyone, 'Next time you see me, I'm going to be a rock star.'
My son ain't going to be miserable because he's going to be the child of a rock star, the end.
I guess the line between being paranoid and being a rock star is smaller than one would expect.
I think being a rock star is a little bit different than being an athlete or even a movie star.
I'm not going to be the rock star of the far right and frankly on the rock star of the far left.
Fabo is a real rock star, but people look over it, so I'll try to bring it to the light if I can.
Being with Al Gore on the red carpet in Cannes was exciting - he's like a rock star unto himself!
Daniel Ek, the C.E.O. of Spotify, is a rock star of the tech world, but he is not long on charisma.
In my teens I wanted to be a rock star, I really did. At that time there was nothing I wanted more.
Bjorn Borg has the look of a Scandanavian rock star with the understated charm of a Wes Anderson movie.
Man, I'm the No. 1 living and breathing rock star. I am Axl Rose; I am Jim Morrison; I am Jimi Hendrix.
Robert Plant is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, never mind rock star. He's so down to earth.
When I was 15 and dreaming about being a rock star... I thought the whole point of it was to get chicks.