We have to make the right decisions.

I haven't always made the right decisions.

I don't believe in taking right decisions.

There's no wrong time to make the right decision.

One right decision doth not a great president make.

Obviously you have to trust the VAR to make the right decision.

I'm wondering if I made the right decision about hair and makeup.

Whether or not cutting my hair was the right decision, it empowered me.

I'm going to sleep well tonight knowing that I made the right decision.

All of us start from zero. We take the right decision and become a hero.

You aren't sure if you're making the right decision - about anything, ever.

Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right.

Heroes always make the right decision; I find that seldom happens in my life.

When you make the right decision, it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks.

I'm just kind of taking whatever life gives me and hoping that I make the right decision.

I'll make the right decision, whichever one it is. I have to be 100 percent, not 95 or 99.

Leadership isn't making all the decisions. It is making sure the right decisions are made.

The hardest part when I decided to move into acting was trusting I'd made the right decision.

The truth is that the right decision often can't be led with either head or heart exclusively.

Getting divorced was the right decision for me, but it's not the right decision for everyone else.

In hindsight, I feel like I made the right decision to choose production that would get played on black radio.

Winning the treble was confirmation for me that joining Bayern rather than moving abroad was the right decision.

As much as I've always dreamed of going to college, I have to think about whether it is the right decision for me.

Leadership is about making the right decision and the best decision before, sometimes, it becomes entirely popular.

So, it was a tough decision to leave Facebook, but it was definitely the right decision. I haven't regretted it at all.

The further I get away from coaching, the more I know I made the right decision. You almost forget how wonderful family life is.

It's one of the things that I tend to do, make the right decision, right time, and get the right reactions and capitalize on it.

Things move on in life, and I think you've really got to make the right decision in the situation that you're in at that moment in time.

It's a really good feeling in moving up the rankings so quickly because it's so reassuring that I made the right decision in turning pro.

Status quo just means that everyone's doing it. It doesn't mean that this was divinely ordained, and of course this is the right decision.

A lot of people criticised me when I opted to leave Italy for Russia. However, I'm convinced that I made the right decision to leave Inter.

If I ever feel a sense of anxiety, it's usually over things that I have some control over, or I'm anxious about me making the right decision.

My whole career has been a struggle for dignity and justification, to prove that I'd made the right decision to be an actor in the first place.

You make the right decision for the long run. You manage for the long run, and you continue to move to higher value. That's what I think my job is.

After choosing football so many times, I feel like I'm inclined to make the right decision by finally choosing my family first, and that's real talk.

For me, good football is not about how many skills you show or how many players you beat. It's about making the right decision every time you have the ball.

I think I felt ready and I really wanted to go to Real Madrid. Some are ready and others aren't. I thought about it carefully and I made the right decision.

Politics, as a profession, is not about making the right political decision. It's about making the right decision and then managing the political consequences.

I don't think leadership demands 'yes' or 'no' answers; I think leadership is providing the forum for making the right decision, which doesn't demand unanimity.

I think I just knew in my head there was something special about 'My Church,' and getting to accept a Grammy for it was just proof that I made the right decision.

The trip to Iraq confirmed that I made the right decision when I voted against lending Iraq the $18 billion the United States plans to use to help rebuild the country.

Being the youngest of five boys with a younger sister, being the only one who didn't go to university, I had to prove it was the right decision to go into advertising.

It's about winning the ball, making this step or making the right decision. If you make all of these steps then wins, a final position in the table will come on its own.

When you're dropping back and everything's going on, part of you wants to force it, but you have to make the right decision and not force the ball and sometimes throw it away.

I loved acting and wanted to be a leading man. But I decided I'd rather be a big fish in the stuntman pond than a little acting fish. I guess I must have made the right decision.

It's football, you work with humans and humans make mistakes. We will do everything in our power to prepare the players so they know to make the right decision at the right times.

It's connectivity that really makes the industrial Internet work: it's giving the right information at the right time to the right person or right machine to make the right decision.

Football is a game with tight results in which you don't need to be the dominant team; if you're a bit lucky and make the right decision at the right time, then you can be as successful as well.

A director makes 100 decisions an hour. Students ask me how you know how to make the right decision, and I say to them, 'If you don't know how to make the right decision, you're not a director.'

In a way, the manager plays as big part, but you, as a player, are on the pitch. He cannot make you run if you don't want to; he cannot make you make the right decision in the heat of the moment.

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