I have a Superman tattoo on my right arm.

My whole right arm is tattooed in honor of 'Wizard of Oz.'

I shook hands with a friendly Arab. I still have my right arm to prove it.

Ten million 16-year-old girls would sell their right arm to live the life that I've had.

Anybody who knows me knows I'm a Marvel fanatic. I have Wolverine tatted on my right arm.

The good Lord was good to me. He gave me a strong body, a good right arm, and a weak mind.

I would've given my right arm to do something on the 'Ray' film, the movie about Ray Charles.

Cervantes smiled Spain's chivalry away; A single laugh demolished the right arm Of his country.

If kids remember me as a national hero, why would I mind? In fact, I'd give my right arm for that.

I am extremely lucky; I've never been ill - although about 20 years ago I broke my right arm hang gliding.

Something went wrong with my right arm. I no longer could throw hard, and it hurt like the dickens every time I threw.

I have a scar on my right arm from my ex-husband. He was cooking and he had a hot pot and he turned around and went right into my arm.

I'd give my right arm to be, like, a random extra on 'Girls,' just to walk past one of the scenarios. I'd love that more than anything.

I think that every songwriter would give their right arm to come up with a standard that is going to be played long after they're dead.

Two minutes later the right arm was pointing normally and the reaction to the left appeared. The patient made no complaint at all about the experiment.

The roots that weave up my right arm and onto my neck are my way of connecting with the earth: the earth's roots carry water like a human's veins carry blood.

Let me alone: I have yet my legs and one arm. Tell the surgeon to make haste and his instruments. I know I must lose my right arm, so the sooner it's off the better.

I have my name Cory on my left arm, and I have my mom's name on my right with a cross. She passed away while I was still in high school, so I got that on my right arm.

In 1978, I had a near-fatal car accident in the Bahamas. There was a point when I could have lost my right arm - but it was good because it forced me to slow down and take a break.

Many may look at me and see mostly what I have lost. I struggle to speak, my eyesight's not great, my right arm and leg are paralyzed, and I left a job I loved representing southern Arizona in Congress.

Countless hours of physical therapy - and the talents of the medical community - have brought me new movement in my right arm. It's fractional progress, and it took a long time, but my arm moves when I tell it to.

Because my father was an army officer, I was told to enter the military school during the war. Luckily or unluckily, one month before the entrance examination, I got polio, which made my right arm numb. It's still numb.

I was in Cuba in the winter of 1937. I was playing in Cuba, and I'm in the shower, and I slipped and caught myself with my right arm. I felt something pull right then. Then, in '38, when I came back, my arm was messed up.

When it comes to physical strength, someone may have a stronger upper body than lower body, or a stronger right arm compared to the left arm. Similarly, we're likely to excel in some areas of mental strength while struggling with others.

God's given me so much talent, and my height doesn't define my skill set. I believe that God has given me a right arm, and for some reason, even though I'm 5'11", to be able to make the throws and make great decisions on the field and all that.

A ball had passed between my body and the right arm which supported him, cutting through the sleeve and passing through his chest from shoulder to shoulder. There was no more to be done for him and I left him to his rest. I have never mended that hole in my sleeve.

I'd been touring for so long, seven years. For a year and a half I'd just been curious about what it was like not to tour. It's like if you were to lift a 100-pound barbell with your right arm for seven years, eventually you'd get really curious about what your left arm was capable of.

Being sick is a different story than having an injury. If you have a right arm injury, you can still use the rest of your body. You still have the energy to perform. But when you are sick and can't really get out of bed or walk or even breathe, you're not yourself. You don't have the cardio, strength, speed, or explosion.

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