I feel so grateful for the whole ride that I've been on.

You know, I like to climb trees and ride bikes and play.

You see, I don't know how to ride a motorcycle, actually.

The job of every president is to ride herd over Congress.

I wouldn't put out anything that I didn't want to ride to.

I need to go out on a ride feeling full and feeling ready.

I always think of the good comebacks on the car ride home.

I don't want to pass through life like a smooth plane ride.

I own a horse and ride, but I don't know racing or betting.

I don't want a pickle, just want to ride on my motorsickle.

You look at me: you see the tattoos, and I ride a motorcycle.

I ride my motorcycle with my dad, I hang out with my sisters.

I think the thing to do is enjoy the ride while you're on it.

I ride my bike, I work out, I do a bit of, er, dancey things.

If the world were a logical place, men would ride side saddle.

My wife and I, we like to ride where there's not much traffic.

I ride a bicycle daily in London and have done for many years.

If my gravy train stops at SAG, honey, it's been a great ride.

I gallop and jump and ride young horses with intense pleasure.

A few hours' ride brought us to the banks of the river Kansas.

I didn't jump onto anyone else's coattail and ride their wave.

I've always wanted to ride a sail barge and drive a sand skiff.

If biking is your passion, set aside time to enjoy a good ride.

I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel.

I find time to write the way kids find time to ride their bikes.

If a really, really pretty girl needs a ride home, I'm your guy.

GoPro lets people take other people along for the ride with them.

I'm not an outdoor girl. I can barely swim. I don't ride a horse.

Have fun, be active. Ride a bike instead of driving, for example.

Learning to ride a bike in a public park means anyone can see you.

Architecture is a ride - a physical ride and an intellectual ride.

Just by going fast enough, you can ride on water with a motorcycle.

Note to self: Never ride a motorcycle in stilettos and a miniskirt.

Almost every ride we're profitable on. We make money on every ride.

I didn't want to do anything but ride horses until I was, like, 15.

It's been a good ride. Queen is the train that never stops, I think.

I like being innocent, but know now when I am being taken for a ride.

I can think. I can sleep. I can move. I can ride my bike. I can dream.

I'm too competitive to try and ride on somebody's coattails to get a W.

I do kung fu. I box. I ride horses. I like to race cars in a crazy way.

I loved to get all dusty and ride horses and plant potatoes and cotton.

I ride a Harley and a chopper. Those are the two bikes I ride the most.

It's been a tremendous ride. My 15 years, my 15 minutes of fame, is up.

I don't ride the subway. Either I walk, or I take a New York City taxi.

Some people just don't understand people who eat meat and ride animals.

Trends, like horses, are easier to ride in the direction they are going.

Consumers are increasingly feeling that they are being taken for a ride.

I went to the carnival a lot. The carousel was my favorite ride as a kid.

One of my early heroes was Sally Ride, the first American woman in space.

'Grey's' is one of those shows... that's been able to ride so many waves.

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