Good writing is rewriting.

The best writing is rewriting.

Good writing is essentially rewriting.

The only kind of writing is rewriting.

Writing for me is largely about rewriting.

I am suspicious of both facility and speed.

Writing is rewriting what you have rewritten.

Keep your hands moving. Writing is rewriting.

The book really comes to life in the rewriting.

There is no great writing, only great rewriting.

The past is a script we are constantly rewriting.

There is no good writing; there is only good rewriting.

Particularly in my early days, I did very little rewriting.

There is no such thing as good writing, only good rewriting.

Too many are focused on rewriting the past, invent the future!

Donald Trump has been rewriting the rules since he got into politics.

Rewriting to me means, if I work on it for three days, I've rewritten it.

Reread, rewrite, reread, rewrite. If it still doesn’t work, throw it away.

You let the story cool off and then, instead of rewriting it, you relive it.

I don't do much rewriting, because each paragraph is very carefully put together.

I can't understand how anyone can write without rewriting everything over and over again.

I work very hard on the writing, writing and rewriting and trying to weed out the lumber.

It's a slow process rewriting your own life in your head. I think that's a writerly thing.

I never really like it when other writers talk about coming in behind people and rewriting.

I didn't know anything about writing a screenplay, but somehow I ended up rewriting a screenplay.

On the one occasion where I did try writing a screenplay, I found the rewriting just unendurable.

Directors sometimes have good ideas that I wished I'd had, not on rewriting but simply on staging.

Should we be rewriting history just to make people feel good? That's not history, that's psychiatry.

Rewriting isn't just about dialogue; it's the order of the scenes, how you finish a scene, how you get into a scene.

Sometimes I think I'd be perfectly happy to go on rewriting 'Tipping the Velvet' forever because it was so much fun.

The main reason for rewriting is not to achieve a smooth surface, but to discover the inner truth of your characters.

The process of rewriting is enjoyable, because you're not in that existential panic when you don't have a novel at all.

We are redefining terms and rewriting laws and removing fences everywhere you turn, and we seem to think we can do that with impunity.

I'm not someone who comes onstage and says, 'I'm rewriting this now.' I don't think it's fair to the writers or the director, or the other actors.

The one thing you don't want to do is go off and keep rewriting. If something's not quite right, it's often about modulating what's already there.

I do the same kind of rewriting that I do in the shorts that I do in long books - and that is a lot. The book really comes to life in the rewriting.

I try not to worry about rewriting books that worked well the first time. I'm too busy writing new books to worry about things that are already in print.

The biggest difference between a writer and a would-be writer is their attitude toward rewriting. . . . Unwillingness to revise usually signals an amateur.

That rewriting of literary history is most obvious in the case of The Yage Letters, where I was able to show that the true history inverts the official one.

And after you've done the acting, there's a lot of places you can put your input - in the editing, in the production of it, in the rewriting of it and so on.

But while I am proud to be an American, I am ashamed of what the Trump administration is doing in our name. It is literally rewriting the meaning of America.

I get up to write while it's still dark, 5 or 5:30. I start by editing and rewriting everything I did the day before, and that gives some momentum for the day.

Hillary has already gotten a record $8 million advance from Simon & Schuster for the book -- reportedly the most anyone has ever received for rewriting history.

In music, they're not endlessly rewriting Beethoven's 'Third Symphony;' in visual art, they aren't painting portraits of 16th-century royalty. Art moves forward.

I have a bad tendency to get rapidly bored with my own material, so rewriting is hard for me. I mean, I already know the story and would rather read something new.

Don't keep rewriting and polishing something if it isn't setting the world on fire: start something new instead and consider the earlier story a learning experience.

Tim Conway was a little different from the rest. He was always in the back of the studio building something with the prop man, rewriting his lines, or plotting our demise.

I didn't like people rewriting my dialogue. I didn't like the fact that we'd start a comic with the Joker, and by the time we inked it, he would have turned into the Scarecrow.

Writing is rewriting; rewriting is writing - from the first crossed-out word in the first sentence to the last word inserted above a caret, that most helpful handwritten stroke.

Rewriting is a large part of the whole job. And get rid of stuff that's not working. Just pare it down until it's a beautiful thing you can hand in, probably late, to your editor.

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