All epoch-making revolutionary events have been produced not by the written, but by the spoken word.

I accept the people's will. As a revolutionary, I have no right to disregard the will of the people.

Almost all change is evolutionary, not revolutionary... expectations always travel at higher speeds.

My show was revolutionary, ground-breaking. When I came on the scene, people were not doing a thing.

I did join the Revolutionary Guard, but I was simply a simple Revolutionary Guard, never a commander.

I don't think I'm as revolutionary as Galileo, but I don't think I'm not as revolutionary as Galileo.

Do not allow yourself to imagine that revolutionary thinking can be propagated by governmental power.

Hendrix is one of the most revolutionary figures in today's pop culture, musically and sociologically.

Being born gay, black, and female is not a revolutionary act. Being proud to be a gay black female is.

The British are the only people in history crass enough to have made revolutionaries out of Americans.

I believe that if you have revolutionary potential, you must make the world a better place and use it.

The most revolutionary invention of the Nineteenth Century was the artificial sterilization of marriage.

That's what I wanted 'Pirate Jenny' to be: a queer, revolutionary fairy tale for the people that I love.

Terrorism works better as a tactic for dictatorships, or for would-be dictators, than for revolutionaries .

Design, if it is to be ecologically responsible and socially responsive, must be revolutionary and radical.

Above all, what socialist, without flushing with shame, maintains he is not a revolutionary? We say: none!.

We should realize in a vivid and revolutionary sense that we are not in our bodies but our bodies are in us.

It is in revolutionary periods that the culmination of previous trends and the beginning of new ones appear.

I have gone from a proponent of campaign finance reform to a revolutionary during my time in public service.

Black revolutionaries do not drop from the moon. We are created by our conditions. Shaped by our oppression.

I'm still a political revolutionary. The fire never went out of me, but perceptions and realizations change.

Learning carries within itself certain dangers because out of necessity one has to learn from one's enemies.

It's funny: I did 'Step Brothers' the same summer I did 'Revolutionary Road,' which are completely different.

The ultimate and most important revolutionary aspiration: to see human beings liberated from their alienation

They make revolutionary propaganda because they know the privileged class can never be overturned peacefully.

Learning is always rebellion... Every bit of new truth discovered is revolutionary to what was believed before.

Questioning growth is deemed to be the act of lunatics, idealists and revolutionaries. But question it we must.

I need you to do more than survive. As writers, as revolutionaries, tell the truth, your truth in your own way.

You can't be a revolutionary, you can't want to change society if you don't love people, there's no point in it.

Lenin is not comparable to any revolutionary figure in history. Revolutionaries have had ideals. Lenin has none.

But this revolutionary act of treating ourselves tenderly can begin to undo the aversive messages of a lifetime.

Revolutionary constituencies always involve a tacit alliance between the least alienated and the most oppressed.

People say that Chelsea are undergoing a revolution. Well, that suits me fine, because I am a true revolutionary.

I was always doing revolutionary things, things that would alert people, so they would stop being so subservient.

Engineers at General Motors have developed a revolutionary new engine whose only function is to lubricate itself.

It's wildly irritating to have invented something as revolutionary as sarcasm, only to have it abused by amateurs.

Don't hesitate to be as revolutionary as science. Don't hesitate to be as reactionary as the multiplication table.

The creative instinct has always been a stronger motive than mere profit to do truly new and revolutionary things.

Real music is always revolutionary, for it cements the ranks of the people; it arouses them and leads them onward.

Tout re volutionnaire finit en oppresseur ou en he re tique. Every revolutionary ends as an oppressor or a heretic.

I believe in my heart that 'Avatar' is going to be the revolutionary sci-fi movie for this generation, in this era.

Technology is characterized by constant change, rapid innovation, creative destruction, and revolutionary products.

Revolutionaries must proclaim their ideas courageously ... and express their intentions so that no one is deceived.

To say one is revolutionary is a little like saying one is a Zen Buddhist - if you say you are, you probably aren't.

Even the revolutionary writer will err if he fails to grasp the enormous effectiveness of occasional understatement.

The truly revolutionary promise of our nation's founding document is the freedom to pursue happiness-with-a-capital-H.

Probably it is impossible for humor to be ever a revolutionary weapon. Candide can do little more than generate irony.

Once again, he who ignores the problems of revolutionary strategy would do better not to talk about revolutions at all.

There has been no more revolutionary contribution than the one which the Hindus (Indians) made when they invented ZERO.

I resolved that no revolutionary movement was going to be brought into being in the USA unless I brought it into being.

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