Living well eliminates the need for revenge.

Just vengeance does not call for punishment.

The revenge of a guilty woman is implacable.

Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge.

Real revenge is making something of yourself.

The whirligig of time brings in his revenges.

At this hour Lie at my mercy all mine enemies.

Is not Justice just a nice way to say revenge.

Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive.

Nothing powers hate better than embarrassment.

Getting even throws everything out of balance.

The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.

With a bloody flux of oaths vows deep revenge.

To refrain from imitation is the best revenge.

No more tears now; I will think about revenge.

Survival my only hope. Success my only revenge

Neglect kills injuries, revenge increases them.

There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.

The best revenge is to always survive yourself.

Longevity is the revenge of talent upon genius.

It [revenge] is sweeter far than flowing honey.

Revenge is so much more satisfying than regret.

Revenge proves itself to be its own executioner.

You cannot get ahead while you are getting even.

Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.

As they croak, I see myself in the pistol smoke.

He who plots to hurt others often hurts himself.

Relationships give us a reason to live. Revenge.

Forgiveness is abandoning your right to revenge.

I don't think I've ever sought revenge, actually.

Revenge isn't a show of strength; it weakens you.

Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.

The ultimate revenge is being on Top Of The Pops.

Too much of nothing, it just makes a fellow mean.

All my movies, like Revenge, are under two hours.

And where the offense is, let the great axe fall.

I wanna piss on his head, I want his family dead.

When you seek revenge, be sure to dig two graves.

Deformed persons commonly take revenge on nature.

Choose old people for enemies. They die. You win.

The Internet is democracy's revenge on democracy.

I don't want to throw rice. I want to throw rocks.

Vengeance and revenge are just two words for pain.

Revenge is the most worthless weapon in the world.

I will not leave you until I have seen you hanged.

Some may seek revenge, but this is not our policy.

The one who pursues revenge should dig two graves.

Revenge is a dish best served . . . At every meal.

We're out for revenge and I fancy us to beat them!

I'm battling with myself and every day it's a war.

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