The worst of revolutions is a restoration.

Medicine is the restoration of discordant elements.

God has provided true musical and spiritual restoration.

Life is a mask through which the universe expresses itself.

True restoration takes patience, subtlety, skill, and grace.

You resemble what you revere, either for ruin or restoration.

Restoration and hope is available each time you return to God.

The forest restoration campaign is a war to ameliorate nature.

I always wanted to do Restoration comedy. It seems like so much fun.

The work of restoration cannot begin until a problem is fully faced.

What the detective story is about is not murder but the restoration of order.

A magnificent restoration awaits us. Christ comes in judgment; then restoration.

My art is a form of restoration in terms of my feelings to myself and to others.

What Trump represents is a restoration - a restoration of true American capitalism.

We must face what we fear; that is the case of the core of the restoration of health.

The pattern of the prodigal is: rebellion, ruin, repentance, reconciliation, restoration.

The restoration of free speech, free association and free press is almost the whole Swaraj.

When you repent and operate on God's standards, now you have restoration and reconciliation.

Fungi are the grand recyclers of the planet and the vanguard species in habitat restoration.

The most essential factor to economic recovery today [1932] is the restoration of confidence.

Where do we even start on the daily walk of restoration and awakening? We start where we are.

No one is really working for peace unless he is working primarily for the restoration of wisdom.

Every emancipation is a restoration of the human world and of human relationships to a man himself.

The future or the past - It's very simple: building the future, or a restoration of post-communism.

The White House is the people's house. When you do historical restoration, that must be what it is.

Censorship may be useful for the preservation of morality, but can never be so for its restoration.

If he's chasing the full restoration of his legacy, he's chasing something that he really can't get.

Praise works best at the start, before the miracle, before the breakthrough, before the restoration.

Restoration of friendship with Russia, our biggest neighbor, is necessary for our peace and economy.

I love the Restoration. It's a bit like coming out of the John Major era into the optimism of Tony Blair.

Better the discomfort that leads to repentance and restoration than temporal comfort and eternal damnation.

When we learn from experience, the scars of sin can lead us to restoration and a renewed intimacy with God.

So-called restoration is at least as tricky as brain surgery. Most pictures expire under scalpel and sponge.

America's present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration.

The most important sign in Matthew has to be the restoration of the Jews to the land in the rebirth of Israel.

The Lord needed the strength of the women of this Church as the seeds of the Restoration were planted and nourished.

One way of celebrating the Solstice is to consider it a sacred time of reflection, release, restoration, and renewal.

Medicine is the restoration of discordant elements; sickness is the discord of the elements infused into the living body.

a greater evil than the restoration of the Bourbons to the world in general, and England in particular, can hardly happen.

The highest ideal of cure is the speedy, gentle, and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way.

Why should this war in the West be fought for the restoration of Poland? The Poland of the Versailles Treaty will never rise again.

For the only way in which a durable peace can be created is by world-wide restoration of economic activity and international trade.

My first restoration was on Napoleon, trying to put the French version in with the English version, and it was most unsatisfactory.

The main theme of the Bible is the restoration of humanity and, through humanity, of the whole of creation to its original harmony.

The solution to this problem [welfare-statism] must take a positive form: the restoration of a faith in what free men can accomplish.

My first restoration was on 'Napoleon,' trying to put the French version in with the English version, and it was most unsatisfactory.

Something is profoundly wrong and we are desperate for justice, for restoration and for somebody somewhere to do something about this.

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act extends religious liberty to corporations without regard to their for-profit and non-profit status.

Public control of the political process requires public financing. The restoration of our American Democracy depends upon public financing.

BottleRock has these incredible VIP cabins where a chef is preparing sushi for you in your cabin or lounge decorated by Restoration Hardware.

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