Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while ...

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.

Sometimes it's good to act responsibly.

As an avid shooter remember to shoot responsibly and follow the rules.

We want to ensure works are placed with people who collect responsibly.

For if you train hard and responsibly your confidence surges to a maximum.

Librarians are teaching the next generation how to use digital media responsibly.

Design shouldn't have to take a backseat to sustainability and making things responsibly.

It's only until we confront the darkness of our past that we can responsibly move forward.

The American people expect their government to manage their hard-earned tax dollars responsibly.

Millions and millions of people are proud gun owners, and they do it responsibly and by the law.

I'd much rather have the freedom, and the obligation to use it responsibly, than be put in a box.

There are no good and bad peoples; there are only leaderships that behave responsibly or insanely.

What we should be doing is responsibly addressing the primary drivers of our debt and deficit issues.

I'm a bit of a dude. I like meat. But I am buying it more responsibly, where it's more sourced responsibly.

A Tory government with a decent mandate seems the only hope of tackling the fiscal catastrophe responsibly.

The power to arrest - to deprive a citizen of liberty - must be used fairly, responsibly, and without bias.

One day, I would like to have my own chat show. Oprah is my idol because she uses her platform so responsibly.

The Domain Name Server (DNS) is the Achilles heel of the Web. The important thing is that it's managed responsibly.

I think America has more than enough maturity and intelligence to start exercising its world leadership responsibly.

I've been blessed with a platform and a voice, and I owe it to myself and my family and our people to use it responsibly.

I urge people to learn from the mistakes of others. Please drink responsibly and it's never acceptable to drink and drive!

I have always kept in mind that I come from a family that is recognizable in public. I have to act responsibly all the times.

To take intellectual risks is to think about something that can't be done, that doesn't make any sense, and go for it responsibly.

Architects have to dream. We have to search for our Atlantises, to be explorers, adventurers, and yet to build responsibly and well.

My choices in life have been unconventional, and that's my business. But I do want to live responsibly and truthfully without hiding.

I always felt like, 'I hope Oprah teaches a class to everybody when they get super famous about how to use, responsibly, that blessing.'

The federal government has an exceptionally poor record of behaving responsibly with Americans' personal information when entrusted with it.

'The Simpsons' appearances were great fun. But I don't take them too seriously. I think 'The Simpsons' have treated my disability responsibly.

Private life is private life. Off the pitch, there is private life, and the rest is social life, where of course you have to behave responsibly.

It's thriving, responsibly regulated business that does the research and development to provide the tools as well as the means to a better country.

I only think about the choices I want to make and act responsibly - not say or do stupid things, like break the law or get caught doing stupid things.

I think it's very important to use your voice and use your voice responsibly. But, having said that, I think you should have all the knowledge before you do that.

Some states like Nebraska have thus far responsibly managed their budgets, even in tough times, and I could not ask Nebraskans to pay for poor governance elsewhere.

If you absolutely must express yourself with the use of animal hide, fur, antlers etc., then at the very least make sure it has been harvested responsibly and humanely.

As someone who lives with an animal, I think it's important to learn how to responsibly care for souls who don't have their own voice. They can't advocate for themselves.

I think that we, as the African-American men in hip-hop, we have a greater responsibly because we have the ears of so many millions of our young people. And they listenin'.

Hard-working families in Wisconsin deserve a tax cut. But you also deserve for it to be done responsibly and to make sure we know how we're going to pay for it in the future.

I am not deeply involved in Australian politics but I know there are prime ministers, governments around the world who are not acting responsibly in relation to climate change.

And yet, if we don't, first and foremost, act responsibly with the national tax dollars that we have, we can't properly address those regional priorities that we would like to.

It will be very hard to convince everyone in the world to handle their plastics responsibly, but what we humans are very good in, is inventing technical solutions to our problems.

I've been covering all four corners of the country in connection with promoting sustainable and responsible tourism. So not only am I just travelling, I am travelling responsibly.

Over time, if you want rights, you have to also show that you can use them responsibly and that you can build a positive world in the online space, and that's also very important.

I think that's a huge theme in superhero books across the board: When you have this massive power, how do you use it responsibly? When do you intervene? Those are the big questions.

When we stop running up huge budget deficits and start acting responsibly in Washington, we will provide small-business owners with the certainty they need to put Americans back to work.

If I was having a bad day, eating was like self-medicating. But if you abuse food, you still have to use that substance that you abuse every day. You have to learn to use it responsibly.

When you go independent, if you fail, you're totally responsible for it. If you succeed, you're totally responsible for it. You are responsibly for who you are... and what you do and what you make.

We've all got to look at ourselves, start with yourself, that's all you can do. I believe that we can act responsibly as a group, it's just that there are vested interests telling us not to bother.

Imagine how much capital a country like Argentina might attract - if instead of defaulting seriatim and affecting a pose of anger toward creditors, it borrowed responsibly and honored its obligations.

Everyone living under the social contract we call democracy has a duty to act responsibly, to obey the laws, and to abandon certain types of self-interested behaviors that conflict with the general good.

Our debt is out of control. What was a fiscal challenge is now a fiscal crisis. We cannot deny it; instead we must, as Americans, confront it responsibly. And that is exactly what Republicans pledge to do.

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