I think that if you make a strong statement of principle, even if the folks disagree with you, people will respect you for it.

I have a mentor. I have... guides. I have a lot of guides. Not a lot, but people whose opinions I really respect and who I will turn to.

Many of the people that you lay off will have closer relationships with the people who stay than you do, so treat them with an appropriate level of respect.

Be very professional because it will get you a lot further. You have to treat people with the same respect whether they're signing your checks or cleaning up after you.

Players do not come out of the closet because they are afraid. We have to appear hard and strong, but we are afraid of what people will say about us. Of course, I have nothing against anyone. I respect everybody.

I desperately want Scotland to be an independent country. I cannot, though, sit here and tell you definitively that it will happen, and that it will happen on this timescale, because I have to respect the opinion of the people of Scotland.

If we can ascertain and show to our people that the West is ready to deal with Iran on the basis of mutual respect and mutual interests and equal footing, then it will have an impact on almost every aspect of Iran's foreign policy behavior - and some aspects of Iran's domestic policy.

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