The Federal Reserve is committed to fulfilling our statutory mandate of stable prices and maximum employment.

Grace, respect, reserve, and empathetic listening are qualities sorely missing from the public discourse now.

I'm not religious, and I'm not a Christian, but I do reserve the right to believe in the possibility of a god.

As soon as I got successful, the Scottish press started picking on me. It's something they reserve just for me.

Man must at all costs overcome the Earth's gravity and have, in reserve, the space at least of the Solar System.

If there's one thing I really want for my birthday, that is for the mining company not to mine my daddy's reserve.

The Congress has tasked the Federal Reserve with achieving stable prices and maximum employment - the dual mandate.

I know the Federal Reserve Bank can continue to print more and more money... but city and state governments cannot.

For Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm, 267,300 reserve component service men and women were called to service.

Many a man is praised for his reserve and so-called shyness when he is simply too proud to risk making a fool of himself.

I have to reserve special thanks to the United fans - whose support has been a very special part of my time in Manchester.

The Federal Reserve needs to provide small businesses in America with the same low-interest loans it gave to foreign banks.

The Federal Reserve has never suffered any losses in the course of its normal lending to banks and, now, to primary dealers.

I do think some digital currency will end up being the reserve currency of the world. I see a path where that's going to happen.

We're going to reserve our efforts and our national solidarity for the most humble, the most modest, and the most poor among us.

The SAS Reserve tends to be made up of former paratroopers and commandos who still want a challenge, but it is open to civilians.

The biggest issue I have with the CFPB is that I don't believe that they should be funded out of profits from the Federal Reserve.

Our policy is very simple. The Jewish state was set up to defend Jewish lives, and we always reserve the right to defend ourselves.

I'm a bit of a vault of secrets. I'm a victim of English reserve, which is slightly in contrast to how I communicate when I auction.

The Obama administration's plan is to have the Federal Reserve regulate banks that might pose a 'systemic risk' if they were to fail.

We reserve our deepest respect and admiration for those who volunteer for service and give their lives to help keep our nation secure.

I've learned now to have a second title in reserve because, frequently, I come up with titles that seem to make editors' hair fall out.

Outside the EU, studying abroad will become the reserve of the wealthy. Inside the EU, it's an opportunity available to almost everyone.

Military strength in reserve is better than military strength being reigned upon the other side including all of its innocent civilians.

The Bush administration did stop filling the reserve in 2002 when it helped the oil industry. Now they should do it to help the consumer.

Never reveal all of yourself to other people; hold back something in reserve so that people are never quite sure if they really know you.

You have safety and soundness as primary purpose of the Federal Reserve, the OCC, and the other agencies which control banking regulation.

We believe that the Federal Reserve has to carry on with a progressive increase in interest rates as a consequence of the American economy.

Fostering transparency and accountability at the Federal Reserve was one of my principal objectives when I became Chairman in February 2006.

Let not ambition take possession of you; love the friends of the people, but reserve blind submission for the law and enthusiasm for liberty.

If a currency is to become a growing, an increasing reserve currency, there has to be not only a demand for it there has to be a supply of it.

I do not, as a rule, do encores. When I have finished playing, I have indeed finished playing. I have nothing left; there has been no reserve.

Remember, Alan Greenspan was a member of Ayn Rand's collective. To understand this is to understand why we are doomed with the Federal Reserve.

My stepfather was a military man: he was in the Air Force. Reserve. You thought he'd seen front-line action, but he was stationed in Cleveland.

Commercial banks - that is, fractional reserve banks - create money out of thin air. Essentially, they do it in the same way as counterfeiters.

I don't generally follow sports. At an early age, I discovered that nature had apportioned me only a small reserve of enthusiasm. Best to ration.

There are 13 stories in 'The Fencepost Chronicles' about corrupt tribal leaders, trouble on the reserve, survival schemes, and communal drinking.

I reserve the right to tell shaggy dog stories or even common jokes as part of what I'm doing. I don't give a damn if half the audience walks out.

With Guard and Reserve units, you can end up with a lot of people from one part of the country dying in one day, and that gets people's attention.

Any country whose currency is used as a reserve enjoys tremendous benefits because those currencies gain a significant discount to financing costs.

Even though the National Guard and Army Reserve see combat today, it rankles me that people assume it was some kind of waltz in the park back then.

I used to live on a reserve, but I went back and forth between my reserve and Ottawa where my father lived, so I kind of had a double life growing up.

A U.S. dollar is an IOU from the Federal Reserve Bank. It's a promissory note that doesn't actually promise anything. It's not backed by gold or silver.

The Federal Reserve has a responsibility to ensure the safety and soundness of financial institutions and to contain systemic risks in financial markets.

If you want to stay at Manchester United and win trophies and be successful, then you have to work through the reserve games, and that is what I am doing.

Mexico holds the fifth-largest shale gas reserve in the world, in addition to large deep-water oil reserves and a tremendous potential in renewable energy.

There is a European Central Bank, of course, established and it has the structure similar to the Federal Reserve system, not precisely the same but similar.

I encountered among my comrades the most varied human traits, from frankness to reserve, from goodness, uprightness and kindness, to brutality and baseness.

After the United States entered the war, I joined the Naval Reserve and spent ninety days in a Columbia University dormitory learning to be a naval officer.

And let the Fed sell bonds to bring bank reserves back down to required reserve levels, so we have restraint on bank lending and bank issuances of liability.

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